Love Made Me Do It

Free Love Made Me Do It by Tamekia Nicole

Book: Love Made Me Do It by Tamekia Nicole Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tamekia Nicole
pants, I had racing thoughts of them in the bed.  Instantly, my libido and eagerness went limp.  As if I had a dick. He backed up and started the engine. Oh well. Take me home.
    No eye contact or conversation as we drove to my house. I jumped out the truck and he took off. I was trying to reach out to him.  He was giving me nothing to work with. I would give back even less than that.
    Chapter 10
    I was fed attention and energy from the roommate. Even though, I knew that this could be a potentially disastrous situation.  But I needed to stir the pot a little bit. In the mean time I looked for a job.  So that I didn’t stay at my sister’s house, longer than necessary.
    Since I just left American Express., I had no problem finding a job that was equally as good. I started working at a Marble and Granite Company.  About three weeks after I returned back to California. Me and my lover were hit and miss.   There was no intimate interaction between us. But there was plenty intellectual stimulation going on with his roommate. It was hard to imagine myself with someone other than my love.  But it was obvious that he felt another way.
    Our relationship should have been a slam dunk. But my lover made it hard. While I was transitioning myself back to California living and figuring out my love life.  I made a friend at my new job that still plays a monumental role in my life.
    Living with my sister just like when, you live with anybody started to get old.  She was very particular as to how she liked her house to be run. But honestly a one bedroom was too small for all of us.  Then, just as I knew it would… shit hit the fan. My belongings were packed up and placed on the porch.
    There was no blame in the situation.  Just not enough room, for more than one alpha personality. I had a job, and I had money.  But now I needed a place to live ASAP. I stayed in a hotel room for about one week, while I searched for an apartment or roommate situation. I found a condo, and the location was perfect. 
    I was moving directly across the street from them both. Even though I asked the roommate how he felt about me living across the street from them.  I was going to do what I wanted to do. Luckily, for me he was passive aggressive and in love with me.  He didn’t care. So I moved in.
    As the roommate and I were getting closer, I urged him to tell my love what was going on.  I felt kind of like it was the right thing to do or maybe I just wanted to be mean.  You can’t hurt me and just think that’s okay.
    The roommate was nice.  But I knew that sooner or later.  He would want more of me, than I had given at that point. As soon as he told my lover about our interactions, I received a call. “You ain’t shit.” I laughed so hard my eyes watered. I hug the phone up.  My lover didn’t even know that he just cussed out his new neighbor! The situation was out of control and so was my life. 
    My new place was great. My roommate was awesome and I had a budding friendship with my coworker. My coworker had invited me out with her and her family and I couldn’t wait to hang out.  I need to take my mind off of my problems. She introduced me to her best friend, sisters, brothers, and cousins.
    As soon as her brother and cousin saw me they started messing with me.  Wondering, who I was. I loved the attention. That night would be the first of many nights filled with fun.  Their whole crew became my new addiction. The timing of meeting new friends didn’t sit well with the roommate, who had graduated to being my boyfriend.
    With my lover completely out of my life, things were better.  But the roommate was so insecure.  He didn’t want to let me out of his sight. I owed him a little more respect than what I was giving him.  Although we were in a relationship, he was fearful of my lover because of the decision he had made

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