A Tale of the Other Kind: A Therian Novel

Free A Tale of the Other Kind: A Therian Novel by Leandi Cameron

Book: A Tale of the Other Kind: A Therian Novel by Leandi Cameron Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leandi Cameron
Tags: Young-Adult Pararomance
breath became faster, and shallower. 
    His anger started to burn deep in his chest, until a raging flame was engulfing his entire body, causing such excruciating pain that he could feel it running through his veins. He ran faster, and faster. Suddenly, his body started to change. First, his hands became paws and sharp claws shot out from the tips of his fingers, his feet transformed into huge catlike paws, and his crushing bones caused him to scream out in pain. His already large frame bulked up with muscles of another kind, strength enveloped his legs, making him run faster. 
    His eyes transformed into catlike emerald green splendour, and sharp incisors replaced his harmless blunt human teeth. Suddenly, he could hear much clearer and he took in all the sounds surrounding him. Even the fish in the far-away lake could be heard swimming and jumping out of the water. He could hear all the animals and, somehow, he could understand them. Kai couldn't believe that he could run so fast. It now seemed so natural to him, to be in the forest and to run free where he always felt so comfortable. He reached the lake much sooner than he would have in human form. He stopped a few feet away from the glimmering waterside and slowly started moving towards the edge. 
    Reflecting his image, the water painted a picture of a large, muscular, black-spotted panther-like being. His catlike eyes were a magnificent green staring back at him and shimmered in the water like emeralds. Kai could feel the adrenaline pumping in his muscles as he felt different - somehow still human, but animal-like too. He had become something else, something that he knew instinctively he couldn't share with others. What would they do with him if they knew? He wondered. Who was there to tell?  
    Nobody would believe him, and if they did, they would shun him or lock him up to hide the beast he had become. He knew that this was the biggest secret of his life and that nothing would ever be the same again. He snarled at himself in the water, showing wonderfully sharp teeth. Staring back at him was the most beautiful animal he had ever seen. His eyes focused on the fish in the water and, within an instant, he snatched a fish from its haven. Delighting in its resistance, he knew he was quicker than it could ever swim. 
    Strangely, with his sense of smell magnified, the fish became the most irresistible meal he had ever encountered. Without thinking, he wolfed the fish down without chewing. He scratched his head as he licked his teeth clean. Pacing up and down beside the water, he wondered how this could have happened. This changed everything and he had to find out more. He lay down next to the pond under a large, shady tree, and after a while, he began to feel calmer and more at ease. 
    Slowly, his eyes closed, and fell into a deep sleep.
    Kai awoke next to the river, naked and shivering. Hours had passed since he entered the forest and his lips had turned blue from the cold, engulfed every bone of his already aching body. He slowly started to stand up as the realisation of what had happened returned to him. 
    'It wasn't a dream,' he thought. 
    The sun was already setting over the mountains, and Kai realised that he had to get back home before nightfall. He began his journey through the thick forest and finally reached the area where he’d left his coat. It was cold and his body ached with every step he took. Once he reached the open meadow, he found his clothes lying under a large Eucalyptus tree. He picked up his coat and wrapped it around his freezing body. Finally, he reached the house. Looking around to see whether his mother was home, he slowly walked towards the back door of the house. His frozen fingers covered the icy steel door handle, pushing hard to open it from its swollen doorframe. 
    Upstairs, he climbed into a hot bath, soaking away the cold and pain, healing the bruises that resulted from the change. He could feel the warmth returning to his body as

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