Broken Trouble (Broken Storm #1)

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Book: Broken Trouble (Broken Storm #1) by Kristan Billups Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kristan Billups
through the cement on his back like a turtle.
    "What the hell? You're supposed to be on my side!" Gavin yelled at Jayden, who was trying to brush the wet cement from his hands. "I'm with whoever looks the best, and right now Nova's looking pretty damn hot."
                  Gavin huffed, "Wyatt! Help me get out of this shit!" he yelled, catching Wyatt's attention, who was over at the truck.
    Wyatt began to slowly walk over.
                  Jayden turned his eyes to Landon, who was still laughing like a madman. It took only a second before his laughter was cut short, as Jayden heaved him into the air and chucked him into the cement too.
                  "Ah come on, that's no fair!" Landon complained.
                  "You looked like you enjoyed watching it, so I thought you might like to join the fun," Jayden smirked, his eyes dark and evil.
                  I crawled across the cement, hoping no one would notice as I tried to make my escape. The cement was starting to get really uncomfortable.
                  "Where are you going sweetheart?" Jayden asked with a sexy grin.
                  "Help me out," I said, lifting a hand towards him as I tried to find my footing.
                  "I can never resist helping a damsel in distress. Perhaps I'll take you back to the castle and help you with your bath. I'm very good at scrubbing backs and other dirty body parts," Jayden wiggled his eyebrows and I rolled my eyes at his inappropriate remark.
                  A huge ball of cement flew through the air and splattered Jayden's chest, then two more followed. He froze and glanced around and I did as well, finding both Landon and Dylan grabbing handfuls of cement and throwing it at him. Both guys looked pretty displeased with him.
                  "Wait here, Sweetheart," Jayden growled and stomped through the cement towards his attackers.
                  I took the opportunity to crawl out of the cement, my hands falling on dry ground as a hand grasped the back of my pants, plastering cement down the inside of my jeans, as I’m dragged backwards.
                  I was so close.
                  "You're not getting out of this shit before me," another handful of cement was shoved down the inside of my jeans, causing me to screech and jerk away.
    So he wanted to play that way did he?
                  I shoved Gavin down into the cement, slamming my knee against his chest while I used my hands to scoop cement into the front of his pants. Let's see how he likes that.
                  He cursed, which was expected, and flung me aside, sitting up on his knees.  He pulled his pants away from his groin, as if trying to stop the cement from touching his man bits.
                  "Having some problems brother?" Wyatt asked in amusement.
                  "The bitch shoved cement down my pants. Fuck this," Gavin growled, moving carefully towards the edge.
                  Wyatt pulled off his hat and ran a hand through his hair, a small grin tugged the corner of his mouth, but he still seemed extremely calm.
                  Gavin paused, catching his brothers smirk, and his eyes narrowed. "You too?" he growled, then reached forward and grabbed his belt, yanking Wyatt into the cement with him.
                  I heard a yell from behind me before getting sprayed with cement, a body landing near me. By this point, it was almost impossible to tell who was who.
                  I laughed and threw a cement ball back at Landon, as I tried to defend who I thought was Dylan.
                  "What in tarnation is going on here?" a voice yelled out, causing everyone to freeze. We turned as one, all of us dripping with cement as we looked towards where Chili stood.

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