Broken Trouble (Broken Storm #1)

Free Broken Trouble (Broken Storm #1) by Kristan Billups

Book: Broken Trouble (Broken Storm #1) by Kristan Billups Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kristan Billups
ass attitude."
                  "Ah, I'm an arrogant ass now?" Gavin bellowed.
                  "Yes, you are!" I yelled right back.
                  "Well, at least my parents didn’t kill themselves to get away from me. I can't even blame yours for doing it."
                  Rage thumped through my veins, passing the point of no return as I snapped and punched Gavin in the face. He fell backwards and landed with a loud, wet splattering sound. Cement sprayed out from around him before slowly slopping back towards him, his entire backside and hair covered in cement.
                  He sat up very slowly, his mouth wide in shock as he lifted his hands and jerked them downward, slinging cement off his arms. His eyes slowly trailed up from the ground and landed on me, where I was standing like a deer frozen in the headlights of an oncoming semi.
                  Holy guacamole, did I just punch Gavin onto wet cement?
                  I felt the familiar tug at my lips as they tried to decide whether to smirk or smile.
    Ha, take that jerkface.
                  Gavin's eyes darkened again and he reached forward, yanking me into the wet cement with him, his hand smashing my face into it. The grit and rocks in the cement scraped against my face and I held my breath, hoping it wouldn't go up my nose.
                  When I felt his hand release, I pushed myself up out of the cement, sitting on my hip as I tried to brush all the cement off from around my eyes and face.
                  It was extremely unpleasant.
                  "When you push me down, you'll go right down with me," Gavin growled in my ear.
                  I glanced up at him as he started to get up. It was time to have a little fun, plus I couldn't let him have the last word easily.
                  I grabbed one of his legs and yanked it back hard, making him let out a yell as he fell back into the cement, one leg stretched out in front of him and the other behind him in a nice split. He groaned, his face contouring into one filled with pain as he fell back on his back, clutching his groin, curses flowing from his mouth.
                  I grinned and kept wiping at my face. By this time the cement had started seeping through my clothes and into my jeans. It was uncomfortable, but at least it was cool compared to the searing heat of the sun.
                  A hand appeared in front of me and I looked up, finding Dylan standing on the outskirts of the cement, offering me a hand to pull me out. I reached up and grasped it, putting my weight on his hand as I stood up, walking forward, cement dripping down my body.
                  A sudden jerk from behind had me slipping backwards and I let out a yelp as I landed back into the wetness, Dylan landing on top on me.
                  Dylan's eyes drifted down from my face to my chest, which was plastered heavily with cement, pressing my shirt against my skin and showing every contour of my body.
                  I was a Pillsbury cement girl, leaving almost nothing to the imagination.
                  Dylan's face turned red with a blush and he rolled off, mumbling an apology that was cut short when his body landed in the cement. He seemed to finally realize he was in the middle of a ton of cement.
                  I glanced at Gavin, who had recovered from his banana split enough to crawl away from me and Dylan. No doubt he had dragged me back in and was now trying to make his escape.
                  Landon and Jayden had made their way to the edge of the cement. Landon was laughing so hard he was running out of breath and Jayden just stood there smirking at us. Gavin made it to where Jayden stood and sludged out, but he grasped him by the shirt and slung him back in. Gavin slid

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