Broken Trouble (Broken Storm #1)

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Book: Broken Trouble (Broken Storm #1) by Kristan Billups Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kristan Billups
                  "She started it," Gavin growled, motioning towards me.
    Of course, this was all my fault.
                  Chili held up his hand, stopping any of us from speaking. "I don't want to hear it. Go spray the cement off of y'all and then get back here and smooth all this back out before it sets," Chili shook his head with a frown, before walking towards the house, "Polly's got food waiting inside when y'all are done."
                  Everyone sat in the cement for a moment before slowly standing and making their way out. I followed behind, wondering just how many showers there were at the farm and hoping I could get in one first. I really needed to get the cement off of my face before I ended up with cement lashes or I turned to stone.
                  To my surprise, no one headed to the house, instead they all went to stand in a grassy spot. Wyatt got the hose out.
                  Oh God, please no. Don't tell me we were supposed to wash off outside! How was I going to do that with all these guys around?
                  "Stand in a row, let's spray this off," Wyatt ordered as he sprayed the cement off his hands.
                  I guess it only made sense, the cement would set up in the pipes in the house.
                  Everyone waited while he sprayed us off, with our clothes on, except the guys who were all removing their shirts.
                  I couldn't help but stare and drool as each guy removed his shirt. Their muscles were tensed and tight as the water sprayed across them, their tanned skin showing off the wet gleam as they rubbed their hands across themselves to try and remove all traces of the cement.
                  This was starting to feel like a scene in a very dirty movie.
                  Every one of their chests were chiseled into hard muscles. Dylan had softer abs, but was still cut and extremely hot.
                  I froze still as cold water sprayed across my body, cement sliding downward and off me. The blast of cold was good though, it forced my eyes away from them. I needed focus on removing the cement stuck to me.
                  Luckily Polly showed up with an arm full of towels. I looked up at her, worried she’d be mad about the whole rolling in the cement thing, only to find her laughing.
                  "Here's some towels boys, make sure you get all that cement off," Polly called out, then motioned for me to follow. I followed her behind the feed shed to find a rope had been tied between the back of the shed and a tree, a long sheet hanging from it, helping provide us more privacy.
    "Come on Honey, let's get ya cleaned up," Polly offered with a smile and motioned towards a water pump and soap. I felt relieved, at least I didn't have to strip in front of the boys.
                  I stepped behind the sheet and glanced back at the guys just in time to see Gavin yanking his pants and boxers off, making his hot, pale rump the last thing I saw before disappearing behind the sheet.

Chapter 6
                  Rolling in cement may have been fun before, but an hour after we had finished scrubbing every inch of our bodies and changing our clothes, I could still feel the cement on my skin. My skin felt stiff and dust kept reappearing all over it. I couldn't tell if it was getting on my skin from where I was re-smoothing the cement or if the cement was seeping from my pores.
                  Either way, I was ready for a nice hot shower to relax my muscles and get the rest of the dirt and cement off. Then I would do a full body massage with lotion.
                  I couldn't tell if the guys were having the same issues or not, though I noticed Gavin kept shifting his legs around and scratching. I bet he was having a fun time with

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