I Hate You...I Think

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Authors: Anna Davis
and a cute blue shirt. After finishing with my make-up I looked myself over in the mirror. I wonder if he'll like it? I froze. Did I really just think that? Slapping myself in the head I slipped on some black flats and stepped out of my bedroom.
                  Oliver was now sitting on my couch flipping through channels. He stopped looking up at me as I entered the living room. His eyes lingering on my legs. I blushed feeling butterflies in my stomach.
                  Without speaking he stood and walked to the front door. He didn't even wait for me. I quickly grabbed my cell and bag and hurried after him. When I caught up to him outside he was standing by the passenger door holding it open for me. I gave him a look when I got in the car. What is up with him today? He is acting weird and quiet...but most of all nice. In a weird way, but nice nevertheless. He walked around to the driver side and got in. Hastily, I snapped my seat belt cross me and he started the car and threw it in reverse. He didn't even bother with his seat belt.
                  You should put on your seat belt!" I told him, clinging to the door as he took a sharp turn out of the parking lot.
                  He chuckled, "What's wrong? Are you worried we might wreck?"
                  "That and you'll get pulled over," I frowned. He drove like a maniac. I hadn't paid attention the last two times I had been in here, maybe this was the first time he decided to drive like a psychopath.
                  "I'm not worried about getting pulled over in this part of town," he laughed.
                  "Why not?" I asked curiously. He took his eyes off the road to look at me.
                  "We control this part of town," he began. "The guys that you see that are around all the time are only my immediate gang. We have other followers. We control the whole west side of town. All the way from the college to the beach."
                  "So you’re like there "leader" or something?"
                  He grinned. "Something like that."
                  I knew it was exactly that, but there was more than the six I seen? How did this stuff work? Actually...I really shouldn't even ask that. I shouldn't want to know.
                  "Why are you telling me this? Aren't you worried?" I asked unsure. Why would he tell a complete stranger that could be bad?
                  "I trust you. For one, if you told anyone and we got in trouble Jet and Tyler would go to jail. Do you think that Kimmy would be very happy with you if that happened?" He smirked looking at me. His eyes had a mischievous glow to them. Pursing my lips and scowled at him. He was right I wouldn't do that to Jet and Tyler.
                  "And, two I just trust you," he added with a smug grin. I looked him shocked. How could he trust me? He didn't know me?
                  Oliver pulled into a star bucks that was just around the corner from the college.
                  "So do you like never go out of your territory then?" I asked as we got out of the car.
                  Oliver gave me a look. "Don't be stupid, Of course we do, but-"
                  "Did you just call me stupid," I asked shocked, I stared at him a moment. I didn't know whether to drop kick him or walk away. How dare he call me stupid!
                  "Don't interrupt me either," he told me taking my arm and pushing me toward the front door, that stupid smirk on his face.
                  "I'm not going with you," I scowled trying to jerk my arm away. He didn't let go.
                  "Don't make a scene, Ever." he scolded. "You wouldn't want it to get out that you kissed a teacher now would you," he whispered in my ear. Frowning, I glared at the sidewalk and let him guide me into the

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