I Hate You...I Think

Free I Hate You...I Think by Anna Davis

Book: I Hate You...I Think by Anna Davis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anna Davis
heavy?" I asked Eien as Oliver started the car and pulled out of the parking lot.
                  "No," he told me. I was surprised I half expected him to say something rude but he didn't. Eien shifted uncomfortably.
                  "Are you uncomfortable?"
                  "Pshh...he shouldn't be. He has a half-naked girl in his lap," Jake laughed. I reached up and smacked Jake in the chest.
                  "Ever?" Oliver asked.
                  "We have been talking. I wanted to know if you wanted to come to the tournament," Oliver asked tensely.
                  "No," I told him immediately. Alex, Jake and Eien looked down at me.
                  "I don't want to see you guys get punched. I told you this yesterday, and I don't want to see that freak, Jason," I explained.
                  "Come on, Ever. It would be nice to have you there for support, and trust me, Jason isn't going to get within twenty feet of you," Jake told me. I was shaking my head before he finished.
                  "At least come to one, then you can decide if you want to come again or not," Logan told me turning around in his seat.
                  "Please," Logan and Jake begged at the same time.
                  I groaned. "Fine."
                  Jake did a fist pump and high fived Logan.
                  "You two are weird," I commented. The car pulled to a stop.
                  "We're here," Oliver announced. Alex opened his door and slide out from under me then helped pull me out.
                  "What apartment do you live in?" Jake called. I poked my head back in the car after Alex sat back down.
                  "Future reference," Jake shrugged.
                  "Eight," I told him with a suspicious look.
                  "K, night, Ever," Jake grinned.
                  "Night guys," I told them shutting the door. Oliver gave me a nod before they pulled out of the parking lot.
                  I woke to knocking on my front door, pulling out my phone I checked the time. It was an hour and a half till I was supposed to wake up. Pulling myself up off the bed, I shuffled into the living room and opened the door. My eyes shot wide open. Oliver stood in the doorway with a smirk on his face and two cups of coffee in his hands. He pushed one cup into my hands and walked past me into my apartment.
                  "Sure, Oliver, come right in," I scowled after him. Shutting the door I followed him into my tiny living room. He stood for a moment silently looking around before finally speaking.
                  "Nice place," he commented going to my kitchen. I followed him frowning.
                  "Why are you here?" I asked as he finally turned to face me. He didn't speak, which was irritating me to no end, but instead he took his time surveying my shorts and tank top before answering.
                  "I'm taking you to breakfast. Get dressed," he told me casually drinking his coffee and leaning against my counter top. I stared at him a moment baffled. My bi-polar hot English teacher, who I sometimes hate with a passion sometimes, is standing in my kitchen wanting to take me to eat breakfast.
                  He smirked, "As much as I enjoy standing here having you check me out we should be going. So closed your mouth and go get dressed."
                  I snapped my mouth shut, glaring at him, I turned on my heels and marched to my room shutting and locking the door behind me. Arrogant jerk. I was so not checking him out.
                  After digging in my closet for what seemed like forever, I pulled out a blue and black checkered skirt

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