Turn Darkly

Free Turn Darkly by Heather McVea

Book: Turn Darkly by Heather McVea Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heather McVea
from Regan, and sat it on the wooden nightstand. Sitting on the edge of the bed, Lily looked expectantly at the prone woman. Regan in turn, wasn’t sure what to say. Nothing in her life’s experiences had prepared her for this situation, and clearly her conversational skills were lacking as a result.
    “I know I owe you an explanation, Regan.” Lily nervously flicked her thumb across her forefinger.
    “You really don’t.” Regan had an almost overwhelming urge to run. “We’ve known each other like half a second, and I know we - well slept together, but we’re not dating - so, you - what I’m trying to say is we don’t owe each other anything.”
    Regan nodded, feeling she had managed, albeit not very articulately, to say what she meant. She shifted and sat up on the bed next to Lily. “We’re cool.”
    Lily’s expression was unreadable. Her eyes fixed on Regan as her lower lip began to tremble. To Regan’s horror, the woman began crying uncontrollably, deep sobs filling the room.
    “I’m so sorry.” Lily managed through the tears. “I don’t mean to put any of this on you, and I know how pathetic this is.” She wiped at her runny nose with the back of her hand.
    Regan was suddenly struck with how surreal the situation was. She was sitting in her bedroom with a bawling woman she had slept with, who also happened to turn into a dog. In spite of how terrifying the night before had been, things weren’t shaping up to be a dark tale of the macabre, and Lily was not some nightmarish beast.
    Reaching over, Regan put her hand on Lily’s back. “It’s not pathetic. It’s odd, but not pathetic.”
    Lily stifled a sob as she looked up at Regan. “I wanted to tell you, but then you’re leaving and I didn’t see the point.”
    Regan got up, and going into the small bathroom, pulled several tissues from their box, and walked back to a still crying Lily. Handing the woman the tissues, Regan wasn’t sure what to do next. She opted to sit down next to Lily, and let her set the tone.
    After nearly a minute of watching the beautiful woman blow her nose and wipe her eyes, Regan couldn’t help but smile. It dawned on her that regardless of what additional aspects of the woman’s personality and life had come to light, she was still the same woman Regan had found instantly appealing a month ago.
    “Can I get you some water?” Regan asked. Lily nodded, and the woman picked up the glass she had used earlier and walked to the kitchen. Returning, Regan handed the glass to Lily.
    Emptying the glass, Lily set it back on the nightstand, and managed a weak smile. “I appreciate how not hysterical you’re being.”
    Regan shrugged, and sat back down on the bed. “You seem to have that covered.”
    Lily’s brow furrowed in response to Regan’s attempt at humor, but after a few seconds, the two women looked at each other and in unison erupted into laughter.
    “Jesus.” Lily ran her hand through her short hair, rolling her eyes toward the ceiling. “I’m a mess.”
    “You’re beautiful.” Regan hadn’t meant to say the words aloud, and was surprised when she didn’t regret the utterance.
    Lily smiled, and reached for Regan’s hand. “Thank you.”
    Regan nodded, and reluctantly removed her hand from Lily’s. “I have to get going.”
    Lily frowned. “I wish you’d stay, but I understand.”
    Regan stood, and before she thought better of it, asked the question that was foremost in her mind. “Speaking of staying - why do you?”
    Lily chewed nervously on the inside of her lower lip. “It’s complicated.”
    Regan pursed her lips. “Is that the case, or code for you don’t want to talk about it?”
    Lily grinned. “Both.”
    “Fair enough.” Regan walked toward the door, and then turned around. “I promise I won’t tell anyone, and I didn’t ask for tons of details because that will make it easier to keep that promise.” She hesitated. “ Not because I didn’t care enough to ask.”
    The truth

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