Billionaire's Bounty (Plus Size Loving) BBW Erotic Romance

Free Billionaire's Bounty (Plus Size Loving) BBW Erotic Romance by Adriana Hunter

Book: Billionaire's Bounty (Plus Size Loving) BBW Erotic Romance by Adriana Hunter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Adriana Hunter
he said gruffly, and she bit back the next moan, her
breath catching as he whacked her hard again. Behind her blindfold, she blinked
at the spots of bliss which had begun to appear inside
the enforced darkness. Even touch from the flat of his hand was magnified, multiplied by the fact that she could not see,
only feel. Her ears pricked to hear the sound of his hand arching in the air,
before it came sailing down to spank her bottom again, and again.
    The soreness
began to eat deeper into her skin, and she wanted to sob at the pleasure-pain,
till she remembered his warning for her to keep silent. She swallowed
convulsively, lips parting as she forced air into her punished lungs. She
almost wished now that she hadn’t pulled the front laces of the corset so
tight. But then it had given such a lovely cleavage that she’d done it up
tighter than she should have. And now, she was near suffocating inside it,
unable to take deep enough breaths. She felt herself grow light-headed from the
sensation, her mind swimming as she realized she was close, very close to
fainting away with pleasure.
    Suddenly, he
stopped, and this time when his hand touched her bottom, it was in gentle,
soothing caresses. She heaved a sigh, willing her heartbeat to regularize.
    “Good girl,” he
said deeply, rubbing her now tender skin, and she actually felt her heart dance
at the words of praise. “You’ve taken your bit of discipline very, very well. I
feel like I should reward you now...with my cock.” As he spoke, she felt him
slip his fingers between her upturned ass , reaching
underneath her thong for her pussy, which was slick with her juices. He hummed
in delight, even as she wobbled at the knees, a soundless gasp spilling from
her open mouth. His other hand reached her breast, his body leaning over hers
as he roughly squeezed it and twisted her nipple. Miranda bit on her lip in
    “So tell
me...tell me how badly you want me inside you,” he said, his breath caressing
her ear. She could feel the hardness of his penis sliding in between her aching
ass cheeks, and she seemed unable to stop trembling. “I need to hear you say
it,” he added softly, his tongue running over her sensitive earlobe and making
her sigh shakily.
    “I want you
inside me, Jude,” she let out at last, her voice breathy and euphoric at the
prospect of being soon filled with his magnificent cock. “I want it very, very
    “Oh baby,” he
groaned, and she felt a shudder run through him. That was when she realized how
much he’d been punishing himself, as well, and not just her. But he soon
regained his control, and straightened to position himself behind her. She
heard him putting on protection, and seconds later, he
was hooking a finger into her skimpy thong, drawing it to the side. It seemed
so freaking hot to her that he wanted to fuck her with it still on, and as he
pushed her knees further apart and lined his shaft in front of her slit, she
tensed in terrific expectation for that moment when he would slam into her.
    But first, he
only teased her with the head of his cock, driving her crazy as he stroked
himself on her sopped opening. Her thighs began to tremble helplessly, and this
time she couldn’t hold back a tearful sob. She asked, no begged, for him to
take her. She thrust back against him, desperate for his penetration. He was
only making her all the more slick and mushy inside, and all the more ready to
be powerfully claimed.
    And when he
finally rocked into her, she almost went giddy with pleasure, unable to keep herself from crying out. She heard him groan, his body going
still as her pussy vibrated around his invading cock, which was only half
inside her. And she wanted more. Instinctively, she pushed back in his
direction - just before he took hold of her hips and dove into her to the hilt.
    Miranda gasped,
unprepared for the solid sense of being ripped in half now that he was fully
inside her. There was a terrible sweetness to the pain,

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