Family (Men of Steel #5.5)

Free Family (Men of Steel #5.5) by Mj Fields

Book: Family (Men of Steel #5.5) by Mj Fields Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mj Fields
fail. Who the hell graduates college and lands a position like this? Add the fact that I am bound to the owners, they’re family. Stress, yeah, by the boatload.
    So as I stand in the boarding line ready to step into the airplane I am struggling, but as my cousin Carly said when she dropped me off at the airport, “There’s more to life than work Abe. You deserve more.”
    This was after she rid me of the laptop and tablet I had packed in my carry on. When I tried to take it back, she warned me further , “ So help me god, Abe, I’m knocked up and Jase is treating me like I’m a porcelain doll. I’m frustrated as all get out. Don’t push me,” she growled, then cleared her throat and smiled trying to make light of her outburst. I wasn’t about to argue with her.
    Carly had definitely changed since she met my best friend. Gone was the awkward fun loving, go with the flow kind of girl I grew up loving. She was replaced by a woman trying to keep control of herself. A woman who had to try to control the uncontrollable. If I didn’t know better, I would have thought she had grown a set of balls.
    I sat in first class, fighting my inner control freak. I was going to have a damn good time starting now. As luck would have it, the sexy brunette flight attendant came up and asked if I wanted a drink.
    “Scotch on the rocks. Keep them coming.”
    She smiled and winked, “Anything else?”
    I didn’t answer right away; I just looked at her, taking a moment to see if I still had any of my old charm left. Her face heated up nicely as I raked my eyes down to her perfect little protruding nipples. I still had it.
    She glanced down and blushed.
    I leaned over and whispered, “Short flight so that’ll be all.”
    She swallowed hard and nodded, “Give me … give me just a moment.”
    I watched her hips sashay up towards the beverage cart and I felt a stir in my pants.
    When she returned she smiled and set my drink on the fold out table, “Enjoy. If there is anything else please let me know.” She started to turn and stopped, “I have a layover in Ft. Lauderdale. I could show you around a little if you’d like.”
    I nodded once, “I’m not looking for anything more than a good time.”
    “I’m not offering anything else.”
    I nodded again.
    “I’ll meet you outside gate twelve. I have a room at the Hilton airport hotel.”
    She walked away. I was tempted to stop her and ask what her name was, but I decided it really didn’t matter.
    I stood outside gate twelve waiting for flight attendant, Delta. No, it wasn’t her name, but for all intents and purposes, it worked. I had packed light, so I didn’t have to wait for luggage. If I forgot anything, I could just buy it. It wasn’t like college days when we had to scrape pennies, so I wasn’t going to. “Fuck it” was my motto for the next week. Fuck the responsibilities, fuck the planning, and fuck anyone I wanted without concern for what tomorrow would bring.
    I wasn’t always like this, but things had changed. I was no longer delusional about needing to do the right thing by the woman I was about to be inside of. If they were game, so was I. I could decipher between those looking for a man and those looking for a body. I was gonna be that body, regardless of the inner conflict it sometimes caused me.
    When she walked out, she was in a pink tank dress that hit well above her knees. Knees that I was hoping would wear the imprint of her hotel room rug very soon. She didn’t try to make small talk, which I was grateful for. I no longer had time for bullshit and pleasantries. Fucking was fucking.
    I took her bag and her free hand, like a gentleman, and we walked out into the humid spring Florida air.
    I hailed a cab, held the door open as she got in, and then slid in beside her. She gave the address to the cab driver, and I immediately rested my hand on her bare, sun-kissed knee. I tested the water by running my hand slowly up to the hem

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