RBC05 - Bloodline

Free RBC05 - Bloodline by Elizabeth Loraine

Book: RBC05 - Bloodline by Elizabeth Loraine Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Loraine
Tags: vampire
portal to Paris ahead of us.”
    “All right I’ll contact them this afternoon, anything else you need me to do?”
    I smiled, “I’ll let you know.”
    “Your baths will be ready in a few minutes. This is Lissel everyone, she’ll take care of you while you’re here. Lissel, these are my daughters Katrina and Katherine and their closest friends, Eleanor, Rosalinda and Arletta.”
    “Good to meet you, if you would follow me.”
    I for one couldn’t wait and I think everyone else felt the same way. I spent a good hour in the bath and enjoyed having Lissel wash my hair. She wasn’t Sarah of course, but still, it always helped me relax. I found that with my new powers I was able to keep my own bath water hot. It was my favorite power right now.
    I still didn’t know most of what I could do with my newly acquired powers. I’d never had time to ask questions or get any kind of training. I just tried things and sometimes they worked and other times they didn’t. Maybe soon I would have time to go to Niranjana or Cathos for some answers, but right now that just wasn’t possible.
    When I got back to my room, a simple pale blue dress was laying on the bed. A dress made me smile, had it been that long?
    A light knock came on the door, “It’s me; can I come in?”
    “Yes, Quinn, I’m decent.”
    “To bad,” he said as he opened the door and came in. “If you want to rest…”
    I walked over to him and let my hands roam over his muscular chest before clasping them around his neck. His hands explored my back.
    “I do want to rest, but I want to do it in your arms. Stay here with me, Quinn.”
    “I’ll be with you now, and wherever you are, for as long as you want me.”
    I moved the clean clothing to the side chair while Quinn took off his boots. We slept peacefully in each other’s arms until we heard loud voices in the hallway.
    “Girls, get dressed, Lissel just informed me that we have a guest.” I heard Mother say.
    “Who could that be?” I whispered to Quinn. “I’d much rather just stay here with you.”
    Quinn lifted my chin and gave me a kiss, “Me too.”
    He brushed tousled hair from my cheek, “You are so beautiful, but there is still distance in your eyes.”
    “There are so many things I need to do…”
    “Katrina…Damien is still between us and you know it. You never got the closure you needed, I understand that.”
    “I don’t want to talk about Damien,” I said as I stood abruptly and braced myself on the chair behind the dressing table.
    I looked back at him over my shoulder instantly sorry for my tone. “I’m sorry, Quinn.”
    He came to me and embraced me from behind. “It’s all right. I just want you to know that I’m here regardless. I’ll take whatever time I have with you, knowing full well that it may not last.”
    He turned me around, “I love you, with no conditions. I know you love me too. Could Damien ever say the same thing?”
    “Then let’s just enjoy what we have, because none of us knows what tomorrow will bring, especially with all that’s going on around us these days. I do love you.”
    “No, I…”
    “Katrina, come on,” Kate called.
    Quinn smiled, “I’ll let you get dressed, see you down stairs.”
    I closed the door and slumped back against it for a moment, Quinn was right, I wasn’t over Damien. Mother had told me long ago not take lightly the way I felt about each of them. My love for them both ran deep. Quinn my first crush, first a bloodlust-filled passion we both mistook for the real thing once and then something much more. But Quinn revealed that he had always truly loved me. And I . . . I didn’t have time to dwell on all this right now. I only knew I never wanted to hurt Quinn again.
    I finished dressing and walked out into the hallway. A delicious scent filled my nostrils, this should be interesting.
    “There you are Katrina, I was just about to send Lissel up to get you,” Mother said as I came down the stairs.

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