RBC05 - Bloodline

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Book: RBC05 - Bloodline by Elizabeth Loraine Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Loraine
Tags: vampire
“We have a visitor. Katrina, this is Reynold, Arthur’s son.”
    He was the spitting image of his father. Tall, muscular and very, very handsome and that scent! Simply mouth watering.
    “Good to meet you, Katrina,” he said as he took my hand. “Father has told me so much about all of you. And I must say that I assumed he must be exaggerating, but mere words couldn’t possibly do any of you justice.”
    There was a collective swoon.
    “Oh brother,” Quinn said under his breath.
    “How is Arthur, Reynold?” Mother asked as Lissel brought in tea.
    “Busy, and I’ve never seen him happier. I’ve come to see what I can do to help.”
    “Other than charm, what can you offer us?” Quinn asked obviously unimpressed.
    Reynold smiled ignoring his comment.
    “I am only half vampire, my mother was Asuran.”
    “I wondered about your unique scent,” I said. “The new Elvin Queen is half Asuran as well.”
    “Yes, I have met her. Idalia is part of the reason I’m here. I grew up in Islandria. The heroism of her parents is legendary. Many Asuran reside in sanctuary, we have been helping the new Queen root out the evil that was imbedded there. That task is nearly complete now and it was time to leave and find a way in this world to help the Protectors.”
    “Do you have something in mind?” Rosa inquired.
    Reynold smiled, “Of course I would do whatever you think I need to do, but when Father spoke of the treasure lost, I hoped that was the task you would give to me.”
    “You want to recover the lost treasures of Macchu?” El asked excitedly.
    “Listen, if you want to take on that task we would be very grateful. Is this something you plan to take on alone?” I asked.
    “I am sure there will be others that would join me if need be, but I think I would draw less attention if I go alone.”
    “We have compiled a complete accounting of things that were stolen, along with locations of those that have turned up in Europe and South America,” I said. “We believe that the spoils of Macchu and their sale are funding many of their evil plans.”
    “Yes that’s what Father believes as well.”
    “I’ll see that you get everything you need. Are you staying nearby?”
    “Yes, very near.”
    “He’s staying with us, Katrina,” Mother interjected.
    “I see. I have plans for this afternoon, so I’ll speak with you later, Reynold. Quinn, we should go.”
    Quinn gave me a questioning look, “Of course.”
    We walked out of the parlor, out the front door and across the street into the park.
    “I want you to check Reynold’s story, leave nothing unquestioned, Quinn. I need to make sure he is everything he says he is. Don’t use the usual channels either.”
    “You feel something isn’t right?”
    “I may just be over cautious right now. After everything that’s happened, I’m not going to just hand over an accounting of the treasure over to anyone.”
    “I’ll get on it right away. Is there anything else you need me to do?”
    “Tell Corbin I need to speak with him. Have him pick me up at the stables as soon as he can.”
    He escorted me the short way to the stables before leaving to begin the tasks I had given him.
    I walked to each of the stalls I knew to be ours and greeted each of its occupants.
    “Miss Katrina, is that you?”
    “Kenneth, you remember me?”
    “How could I possibly forget you? Would you like to take a ride? I’d be happy to get your mare ready.”
    “I’m really not dressed for it.”
    “Oh, your mother left riding clothes for all five of you in your personal tack room. Everything you need and more is there I assure you.”
    “Leave it to Mother to think of that. Then thank you Kenneth, I would really love to take a ride.”
    “It’s just this way.”
    He unlocked the door for me before rushing off to have my black mare saddled. I locked the door behind me and found handsome formal attire with my name attached to it. To my delight, the outfit included new riding boots with

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