RBC05 - Bloodline

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Book: RBC05 - Bloodline by Elizabeth Loraine Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Loraine
Tags: vampire
a shine so brilliant that I could see my face in them. By the time I finished changing, my horse was ready and impatiently pawing the ground in front of her stall.
    I laughed, “Sorry I took so long, girl.”
    Kenneth rushed over to help me mount. “The south trail is beautiful this time of year. Do you need anything else?”
    I was sure he thought that I should have an escort, but didn’t voice that concern.
    “I’ll be fine, thank you, Kenneth.”
    Kenneth was right; the trail was in full bloom with early spring flowers and vines. I felt free and happy for the entire hour. A familiar figure waited for me at the stable entrance when as I returned.
    “Corbin, thank you for coming so soon,” I said as I dismounted and handed the reins over to a stable boy. “Tell me what I need to know.”
    “Your Father has enlisted the help of the Masons worldwide. In order to get them to understand the full danger he told John Ashton everything.”
    “You mean he knows our…”
    “Yes, he knows we are vampires and all that our race has done for the peace. He also knows there are safe havens for other peaceful races which must be protected at all cost and he has been told what treasure we guard.”
    “And they are willing to help?”
    “When you think about it, it makes perfect sense. Their secret society has far reaching resources making it already a kind of Watcher system. That’s great news Corbin.”
    “Yes, the Masons have allies in every county, every territory, worldwide. Quinn tells me you have reservations about Reynold. You needn’t. I was there when he was born, the day his mother died. Arthur was heartbroken, that’s when he withdrew never to come out of sanctuary again, that is until Fredrik recently asked for his help.”
    “And you are sure that the man that is staying at my house right now is that son? Our enemies had spies in every sanctuary, and are very adept at creating look-a-likes, I have to be sure.”
    “I understand, and to be frank I don’t know that, I just…”
    “Assumed, yes I’ve made that mistake before. I told Quinn not to use the usual channels; they would be watching those if this man is indeed an imposter. Whichever way it turns out, I need to get rid of him. Either he will start on the mission he has chosen for himself or one that I choose for him.”
    “If this is an imposter, I doubt that they would be able to duplicate his gifts. The Reynold I know has Asuran gifts not vampire ones.”
    “And do you know what they are?”
    “Like all Asuran, he can portal using his mind and has the ability to change form. His personal gifts may not all be known to me, but he could make things smaller and larger, and I do remember that he has a brilliant mind. Tell me Katrina, what did Reynold ask of you?”
    “He wishes to bring the lost treasures of Macchu back to us. I told him I would give him the accounting and help in any way that I can. He didn’t need my permission. He could have gotten permission from the queen.”
    “Is that what drew your suspicion?”
    “That and the fact that he would even need an accounting of the treasures lost.”
    “Hmm, another thing that he could have gotten from the Queen.”
    “What are you going to do?”
    “Wait. See what we can find out, and then I’ll decide.”
    Like everyone, Corbin knew not to ask too much. He quietly studied me as we walked. I wanted to ask if he’d heard from Damien, but I just couldn’t form the words. When we reached the edge of the park he stopped.
    “I have something for you,” he said reaching into his pocket and retrieving an envelope. “It just came this morning.”
    There was no writing on the outside, no indication where it was from at all.
    “I’ll leave you now. If you need anything else please let me know.”
    “I will Corbin, thank you. Your friendship and loyalty mean a lot to me.”
    “And your trust and the trust of your family mean even more to me.”
    He smiled, turned

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