An Exceptional Twist
we’re not on the calendar for weeks at a
time, it’s unsettling for them. My friend works at the studio,
though, and she’s always fighting for us.”
    It had been so challenging getting the
owner’s approval before Jenna had gone to bat for them. Shaking her
head, she explained, “Insurance liability issues are apparently the
main issue, even though we sign the same waiver as everyone
    With hope in his eyes, he offered, “I would
love to help…that is, if you don't mind.” Stefen blinked as a
droplet of water fell off of his eyelash.
    Leah’s gaze fell to his pretty pink
toenails. She wanted to laugh again, but something stopped her.
Seeing this compassionate side of him forced her to realize
something frightening. No matter how carefully she guarded her
emotions, he was getting to her, and she feared that the heartbreak
she was trying so hard to avoid was just around the corner.
    “Sure, but we have to get going. We only
have an hour before class starts.”

    “ Son of a bitch ,” Stefen murmured
under his breath. Remembering Madison was in the backseat, he
    They were at Leah’s flower shop, and he
watched her step out of the apartment above, dressed in her dance
apparel. Peering behind him, Stefen noticed Madison was still
wearing headphones and watching the movie she’d started
    Thank god.
    Turning to watch Leah once again, his body
was suddenly on fire. She was striking in her white see-through
camisole dress. Thankfully, with a black leotard underneath.
Shamelessly, he visualized the camisole without it, then wondered
what would’ve happened if she’d come out in only that. He might
have had a heart attack. Licking his lips, he thought about how
delicious her skin would taste.
    No worries. I’ll be tasting it
    The dress fluttered in the wind when she ran
down the stairs to her van. What was she doing?
    He watched her grab a
couple of yoga balls from the back, and he jumped out to help her.
“Hey let me— oof! ”
A yoga ball hit him in the stomach.
    Leah’s eyes went wide. “Oh no. I’m so sorry.
I didn’t see you there.”
    Rubbing his gut, his smile was a little
pained, but he was grateful it hadn’t hit further south.
    He reached for the huge ball. “Let me help
you before you take me out with one of these.”
    “Ha, ha.” She crossed her arms over her
chest. “Very funny, Dr. Jones.”
    “Ah, another Indiana Jones fan, I see.” His
grin widened, excited that she knew lines from one of his favorite
    “One of the best movie series out there,
aside from the Bourne movies, of course.” She pursed her sassy
lips, speaking matter-of-fact.
    If she didn’t stop naming off his favorite
movies, he just might drop to one knee and ask for her hand in
    Yeah, not gonna happen.
    They tossed the balls, as well as a bag full
of yoga mats, into the back of Caleb’s SUV. Opening her door, he
watched her hips sway as she took her seat.
    Once they were all seated and on the road,
Leah spoke anxiously, “I really hope most of the kids can make it
on such short notice.”
    “Why was it last
minute?” And why is she worried about
    “One of the classes at the studio was
cancelled because the instructor couldn’t make it this week, and I
get the space whenever that happens.”
    “Don’t you have any set classes?”
    “Nope. Sometimes we get several spots in a
row, but most of the time, I just take what I can get.” She
shrugged her shoulders, as if she’d given up her fight a long time
    “What about another studio?” Leaning his
elbow on the window frame, he put his head in the palm of his hand
and took a quick look at her.
    “Are you kidding? This is the only one
that’ll even let us put our feet in the door.” She looked hopeful
still, but there was some underlying defeat as well.
    “Why don’t you just rent a space somewhere?”
he suggested.
    With a smartass expression, she pointed out,
“We’re not all

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