An Exceptional Twist
hadn’t heard him. Thankfully, she was off in the
corner, trying to do handstands.
    But when her head popped up, she called out,
“Come in, Auntie Leah.”
    “Well, since you asked so nicely, Madison,
I'll be right in.” Leah strolled over to the stairs and slowly
entered, dipping her feet in while she watched Madison swim. His
pulse spiked, watching her body slowly disappear in the water. She
really was amazing to watch.
    “Uncle Stefen,” Madison yelled, “why don't
you marry Auntie Leah and make a baby for me to play with?”
    Leah's head darted up, locking eyes with
him, then they both looked at Madison.
    Clearing his throat, he said, “Auntie Leah
and I are just friends.” He hated saying that. Friendship was the
last thing he wanted from her.
    Madison looked at him again with those sweet
brown eyes. “Daddy says husbands and wives are best friends. You
can get married, then she can be your bestest friend forever.”
    Shit, what am I supposed to say now?
    Thank goodness Leah chimed in. “Madison,
sometimes men and women are just friends. Remember that Uncle
Stefen lives far away. He’s going home soon. How can we get married
and live so far from each other?” Her voice was soft as she
explained the facts to their young matchmaker.
    “Uncle Stefen, can't you live here with us?”
Madison knitted her eyebrows together, pleading.
    “No, squirt, remember I have to go back to
work with your grandpa?” As if he could ever marry Leah anyway. His
family would disown him.
    Well, my mother would, at least.
    “Okay.” Madison moved on, carefree and
swimming away like it hadn’t happened.
    He couldn’t believe she’d dropped a bomb
like that. “That wasn’t awkward or anything,” he said before
shrugging his shoulders.
    Leah watched her hands as she moved her arms
back and forth under the water. “Yeah, awkward for sure.”

    Panicked that she’d lost track of time, Leah
swam to the edge of the pool, then pushed herself up and out. “What
time is it?” She tiptoed to the lounge chair, in search of her
towel. She dried herself off before picking up her cell. “Oh man,
we have to go, Madison.”
    Madison groaned. “Five more minutes.”
    She motioned Madison over. “Come on,
sweetie. Jump out and go get dressed really quick. I’m sorry,
Stefen, but can you give us a ride back to my apartment? I need to
get my van.”
    Hastily, he jumped out of the pool. “What?
    Madison pranced up to his side. “We’re going
to go dance with Auntie Leah’s super hero friends.” The little girl
trotted to her towel, wrapped it around her tiny body, and headed
toward the house. “Can he come with us?” She asked Leah as she
    Stefen stood in front of Leah, dripping, and
she had to look away. Wet, half-dressed Stefen was even more
delectable than dry fully clothed Stefen. His body was flawless.
Not because he had an unrealistic eight pack and perfect abdominal
‘V’, but because he was fit. His stomach was flat, but definitely
had definition. His chest was firm and arms were perfectly
    I wouldn’t mind having them wrapped around
    “Super hero friends, huh?” Stefen grinned.
“I may have to come with you to see what that’s all about.”
    Fairly dry, Leah offered him her towel.
    He smirked, noticing her staring at his
    Ignoring it, she turned away and explained,
“I teach a dance class to a group of amazing kids who happen to
have special needs. Madison loves to come and help.”
    “Wow that’s extraordinary, Leah. How often?”
He toweled his face dry, holding it under his nose for a
    Leah wondered, did he just sniff my towel?
    He smiled, knowing he’d been caught. “Sorry,
couldn’t help myself. Smells like you.” He sniffed again. “Like
    Taken aback, she gawked for a moment, then
pulled her sundress back on. “When I’m allowed to use the space.
It’s hard because my kids are used to schedules and routines, so
when we get cancelled, or

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