
Free Theirs by Eve Vaughn

Book: Theirs by Eve Vaughn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eve Vaughn
honey?” Rusty whispered as he circled her clitoris with his thumb.
    Alex was a bit sore from Cash but she couldn’t think of anything that she wanted more in that moment than being one with Rusty. “Yes. I need you.”
    “Then you’re going to have me. All of me.” Rusty covered her mouth with his, swallowing her scream as he drove into her so deep it almost felt as if they had merged into one entity.
    Rusty was a bit more rough, his motions a little quicker but somehow he managed to hit every sensitive spot within her walls. She cl e nched her muscles around his cock and moved with him stroke for stroke.
    “Shit, I can’t hold on much longer,” he grunted.
    “Then don’t. Let go. Come with me,” Alex moaned.
    Rusty collapsed on top of Alex after his release.
    Alex panted to catch her breath. It was official: she was no longer virgin. Her experience wasn’t the horror story she heard from other girls when they described their first time. This was special, and she would hold this moment in her heart until the day she died.
    Even after all this time , Alex could remember every detail of that night from how they each held her between them and assured her of their love. They talked and laughed. They explored her body and she theirs. I t was well after midnight when he drove her home and thankfully her grandmother had been in bed.
    From then on, Alex wasn’t in school, studying or at work, and Cash and Rusty had free time, they would sneak away to the cabin. After graduation , Alex experienced the most magical summer of her life. Whenever they would go off to their secret hideaway, they didn’t just have sex, they fish ed , went canoeing, or just hung out. They even spoke about a future together and how they could make it work. And she believed them.
    But sadly, their time together ended abruptl y when the town had somehow found out what was going on between them. The town had turned against her, she was labeled a slut and kicked out of her house, and she never heard from Rusty or Cash again, until now.
    That they could just come crashing back into her life as if nothing happened pissed her off. Her heart had been broken before. She couldn’t afford to have that happen again.

    Chapter Six
    Alex had nearly c alled out of work the next day because she didn’t get a single wink of sleep. All the memories she’d thought were locked away came back to haunt her with a vengeance. She had even attempted to read which usually worked like sleeping pills for her but to no avail. Her mind was way too restless. She lay in bed, tossing and turning until she just gave up.
    By the time her alarm clock when out she was bone weary but the last thing she wanted to do was stay at home thinking about when Cash and Rusty would show up again because she had no doubt that they would. Alex was so exhausted she could barely keep her eyes open. During her lunch break , she’d managed to catch a catnap that refreshed her somewhat but it wasn’t the same as a good night’s sleep. Somehow , she made it through the day without causing any major disasters. As Alex headed to the parking lot, she contemplated going to a hotel to avoid Cash and Rusty but knowing her luck, she’d probably pick the one they were staying at.
    “Hey Alex, wait up,” Georgia called out to her.
    Alex stopped long enough for her friend to catch up. “I thought you were working a double today.”
    “I am. I’m on break right now , but I wanted to talk to you before you left.”
    Alex raised a brow in surprise. Georgia had her number and could have called if she wanted. This had to be serious. “Oh? Is everything all right?”
    “ Actually that’s what I wanted to ask you. We haven’t had a chance to talk since lunch yesterday and I wanted to check in on you . A couple people mentioned the huge bags under your eyes.”
    “Wow, that’s nice of them.”
    Georgia shook head. “ No , it wasn’t like that. I think

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