The Forever Knight: A Novel of the Bronze Knight (Books of the Bronze Knight)

Free The Forever Knight: A Novel of the Bronze Knight (Books of the Bronze Knight) by John Marco

Book: The Forever Knight: A Novel of the Bronze Knight (Books of the Bronze Knight) by John Marco Read Free Book Online
Authors: John Marco
    “Gone for water. It’ll give us a chance to talk.”
    I tested my sword arm, feeling stronger than the night before. I even raised my head a little. “You’re Marilius?” I took a good look at him. Dirty hair. Young, too. Hardly more than twenty. His muddy boots were the kind worn in Norvor, his crestless coat more like a Marnan’s. He’d let his beard get out of control. “Cricket said you were a captain,” I said, not hiding my disbelief. “You’re a mercenary.”
    “I’m both.”
    “I know about mercenaries. You don’t look much like one.”
    His eyes sharpened on me, shifting quickly to my sword and back again. “You think you can do the job, old man? You think I’m here to rob you?”
    “I’m obliged to you for saving me,” I said. “But make no mistake. I’m as rigid as a timber, so if you’re planning anything do it now. You won’t get another chance.”
    Marilius frowned with offense. “Didn’t the girl tell you about me?”
    “She told me. But if I find out you laid a hand on her, or that she’s too afraid to tell me the truth, or that she’s protecting me by lying, I’m going to kill you. And not quick either. I’m going to chop off bits of you and make you eat ’em.”
    Marilius expertly flicked his dagger into the dirt by my sword hand. “It ain’t a lie.”
    “Tell me what happened. And it better match Cricket’s story or—”
    “Yeah, I know, I know, you’ll kill me.” He smiled wildly. “That big man who broke your neck? His name’s Wrestler. That’s it, nothing else. Just Wrestler. He’s a bodyguard for King Diriel.”
    “Diriel. From Akyre.” I began to remember what Sariyah had told me about Diriel. And about the ‘death magic.’ “Why was he in Arad?”
    “Same reason all soldiers go there. Booze and whores.”
    “Is that why you were there?”
    Marilius picked up his dagger. “It doesn’t matter why I was there. Just lucky for you that I was.” He began twirling the dagger, threading it through his fingers without thinking. “Wrestler’s like a lot of us these days. You take a job where you can find it. Guess he figured he’d put his talents to better use, breaking necks for a king. He still puts on those sideshows, though. And he ain’t never been beat.” Marilius studied my sword. “You should have kept that instead of giving it off to the girl. You might have had a chance against him.”
    “I won’t make that mistake again. Next time, Wrestler’s head’s going home with me in a sack. You saw the fight?”
    “Oh yeah,” grinned Marilius. “Heard your neck snap and everything. Made a sound like popping corn. You should be dead. You nearly were. I tossed you over your horse and rode you out of there, and that didn’t kill you either. I wondered about that. Then you started mumbling to yourself, like you were talking to someone. And then I figured everything out.”
    He smiled like a card player with an unbeatable hand.
    “What did Cricket tell you?”
    “Nothing. She didn’t have to. Maybe you think we don’t hear news all the way out in the Bitter Kingdoms, but I’m from Norvor. I heard all about you. Heard how you went across the desert and got that sword of yours, heard how you got a ghost that makes you a hard man. I figure there’s only one person in the world you could be. Only person who could have his neck broken and be talking about it two days later.” Marilius stopped twirling his dagger. “Tell me I’m wrong . . . Lukien.”
    Maybe he was challenging me, but I didn’t see challenge in his eyes, just curiosity. I was about to ask him what he wanted when Cricket returned. She broke through the trees with our canteens strapped around her waist like cowbells. When she saw me talking to Marilius she stopped.
    “Everything all right?” she asked.
    “Everything’s fine,” chirped Marilius like a bird. “Lukien and me are just getting to know each other.”
    Cricket’s face fell. “Lukien, I didn’t tell

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