Seeking Sanctuary (Walkers)

Free Seeking Sanctuary (Walkers) by Zelda Davis-Lindsey

Book: Seeking Sanctuary (Walkers) by Zelda Davis-Lindsey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Zelda Davis-Lindsey
guarding.  I know this for sure.
                  They had a small clothing department so we cleaned them out of nearly everything.  I was sweating so bad that I could see another bath fairly soon but I wasn't the only one. When I passed by the door to catch a breath of cool air, the smell of roasting meat caught my attention so I changed course and wandered over to the fenced in area the kids had been playing in.  It seemed to be a small park and it had picnic tables set up along  with grills.  Sarah, Duke and Clint had some meat grilling along with what looked like potatoes.   Sarah pointed to the lot next door and I saw a volunteer garden.  She'd been busy.  I gave her a thumbs up, grabbed a bottle of water and watched the Monster and Bubba playing in the shade of a tree.
                  Okay, Ken thought at me, I have a route that might work, I'm heading back now.  Is there anything to eat around there?
                  Yeah, we're heating up some protein.  
                  Great. Protein.  I can't wait.  
                  I laughed at him and hurried to help Jill sit at the table. Taking Tony from her, I talked nonsense to him while he made funny baby noises.  He had his father features except for Jills small nose.  I'd never wanted a child for myself.  I didn't think I'd make good mama material and never felt maternal except towards Lacy. I was happy and content with my lot in life most days.  The rest of the time I yearned for stupid sitcoms and telephones.  Some people are never happy, so I considered myself lucky.  Well, except for the hanging upside down part. 
                  I'd had my close call with walkers for the day.  Seemed like every day I had some encounter of some kind.  I knew I was accident prone, always had been, even my birth was an accident according to my mother so I wasn't surprised about a lot of the strange things that happens to me.  So condensing them down to once a day was okay by me if the fates decided to do it that way.
                  Still, a person has to know their limitations.  I know, I really do.  Its the walkers that haven't figured it out.  Yet.
                                                            Chapter 6
                  It was hot.  I mean hot as hell kind of hot.  The temperature was probably around a million degrees or at the very least 99.  I was sweating in places I know had no sweat glands.  You're probably wondering why I wasn't in a nice air conditioned room somewhere sipping an ice cold mint Julep, listening to soft music and getting my feet rubbed.  Well, so was I.  Instead I was sitting in the crotch of a tree in the roaring hot noon sun, sweating buckets and waiting for the brood of walkers below me to go to hell.  Oh wait, we're already there.
                  Actually, I was waiting for Mason to return with ammunition.  Have you any idea how hard it is to hit a mans head from above him?  Well, I have a very good idea and it's damned near impossible. When Mason found a nice clear spot he jumped down and ran away followed briefly by a few ambitious walkers but they soon returned when they were outdistanced.  I would've followed suit but I hurt my foot yesterday while hanging upside down in the back of that store a million miles down the road.  So I'm hanging (upright)around today in a tree although what kind I have no idea.  I was wondering if it had any edible parts but only briefly.  If it took Mason that long to get back it'll be too late. 
                  Lacy would be all over the history of the tree.  Something about it being the state tree, (it was) you could eat some part of it (pinon nuts are fought over by the locals and birds) and it was fast growing (right again).  I knew that for a fact cause I could feel it growing under

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