Seeking Sanctuary (Walkers)

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Book: Seeking Sanctuary (Walkers) by Zelda Davis-Lindsey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Zelda Davis-Lindsey
when you're looking down on it? 
                  I was out of ammo and Mason spent his.  We sat there like birds on a swing in a gilded cage.  I sent Lacy a message while I was running and she said help was on the way but the truck was clogged with dust and it'd be a few minutes.  Mason caught his breath and said, “Maybe I could lead them away.  I could run to the truck...”
                  “You leave me alone in this tree and I'll kick your ass.  We wait.”  He put his arm around me and we watched the herd below for a while, hoping help would come, hoping they'd get bored and wander away, hoping it was a dream.  It wasn't and I was tired of the whole thing.  I was thirsty, my ankle hurt, I was hotter than hell.  I was not much of a mighty, zombie killer any more.  I needed to buck up but I was tired, bone tired and wanted to go home.  When I realized what a whiner I was,  I reluctantly told Mason to do it.
                I watched as the walkers dropped like flies the allowed Mason to help me back to the camper.  Now I was enjoying my second bottle of tea and feeling the sweat congeal on my skin from the cool air conditioning, thinking I needed a shower. 
                  A knock sounded on the door, so I came out of the bunk and let Clint in.  “We found a cache of weapons in that barn that would make an Army general lick his lips.  They must have been saving them for something.”  He took the offered bottle of water, then wiped the sweat from his brow.  “There's something for everyone so Riley and Randy has gone looking for a truck and trailer to haul them with.  We just can't leave them.”
                  I nodded at him and took his offer of help to go back to Lacy and Randy's camper.  It seemed we'd spend the night here, loading the weapons.  Mason and Howard used the tanker to fill up everyone's fuel tanks while we waited.  Flynn, Joe and Clint decided to see if there were any rabbits in the vicinity while the rest of us tried to stay cool.  We tried to part the outfits in the shade of the buildings but had to move them as the shade moved.  Still it worked out somehow.  The kids ran all over the place in sight of the rest of us, heavily armed and watchful.  I was dreaming of the time when we could let them run and not have to worry about keeping a watch out.  From what Ken has told us, the new place was that kind of home.
                  He'd taken pictures and drawn a map of the place and it was beautiful.  I so missed the mountains of Montana in the spring.  Wild flowers grew everywhere, the sky is the prettiest blue you've ever seen and the air fresh and clean. It wasn't unusual to see bald eagles, elk and deer in the middle of the day and the snow melt running in the creeks so cold and sweet it made your eyes cross.  It sure beat this unbearable heat of the south.
        I had no idea where we were.  I had hoped we'd gotten out of New Mexico and into Colorado just because it put us a state closer to our destination.  But my luck had been running crappy lately and I figured if anything we were in Mexico.
                  Giving that some thought sent me in search of the maps.  Sarah shook her head at me for limping along in the heat, but I just smiled, waved and in general ignored her. I was studying said maps when the men returned with several rabbits and a few pheasants.  Since Nevada was the oldest of the kids, she helped Sarah in the kitchen of the Dukemobile making biscuits from the sound of it.  Bobby and Kevin sat on the observation deck back to back keeping watch.
                  A tarp had been strung between the vehicles for shade, where Jill sat nursing Tony, Lacy was reading, Howard and Sam were talking transmissions and George and Riley were quietly talking.  I didn't see Joe and Sandy but I knew they were busy somewhere, they always were.  I also didn't see the

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