Jaguar's Judgment
into the living room and offered her a seat. “Would you like something to drink?”
    A shy smile formed on Cameron’s lips. “Actually, do you have chocolate milk? I know it’s an odd request from a guest, but it’s this month’s craving.”
    “I do. It’s one of my favorite drinks next to a chocolate martini.” Sable’s muscles relaxed at the shift of tension.
    “Yeah? After I deliver the triplets, we have to get together and have a few.”
    Sable studied her briefly. The feeling of belonging opened in her heart. “I’d like that.” She turned to kitchen.
    After a few moments of silence, Sable asked, “How was the meeting, or is that privileged info?”
    Cameron didn’t answer her question until Sable handed her the glass of chocolate milk. “We, and I speak on behalf of your Alphas, as well, believe the war may not be completely over just because your parents are dead.”
    “I agree and have given it a lot of thought over the last few weeks. There are rebel groups who may rise up to finish what my parents started. Then there is the fact that Felix had a number of bases he used. The techs and soldiers there may not know of his death, or try to appoint a new Alpha.” Sable frowned. Her mind whirled with the possibilities of what could happen. A whole new war could erupt.
    Cameron’s soft laugh stopped the spin of thoughts in Sable’s mind. When her sister-in-law met her gaze, she sobered. “I told Blaine you should have been at the meeting. All those things plus more were discussed. Blaine and Luna want to send teams out to search for the Onyx bases.”
    Sable sipped her milk and grinned. “I know where they all are. Ana and I can head up a group.
    “Damn. I wish I could go.” Cameron sat back on the sofa and rubbed circles on her belly. “Just be glad you only have one growly mate. Then again, you are mated to Jared.”
    Sable laughed at Cameron’s teasing, yet loving tone. “Yeah we know he’s growly enough for three males.”
    “Should I be worried that the two women in my life are laughing like they’re plotting world destruction?” Jared’s voice boomed through the lower level of their home, only making Sable and Cameron laugh harder.
    Cameron stood and kissed her brother on the cheek. “We are actually plotting to take over the world. I’m also going to ask the Alphas to consider recruiting Sable as an enforcer. I need another female to balance out the males.”
    Sable opened her mouth then closed it. She hadn’t expected the chance to work in the ranks. In fact, she was content just being Jared’s mate and a mother. “I’m honored.”
    Stopping in front of her, Cameron took Sable’s hands in hers. “You made a tough sacrifice. I know it was hard, no matter how twisted, sick, and evil your parents were, they were your only family.”
    Sable’s eyes teared up. “I have a new family now, and will do my best to continue to gain the trust of the whole den.”
    “They’ll come around.” Cameron drew her into a hug. “We do have to get together regularly to share stories about Jared.”
    A low, playful growl came from Jared. “Cam, don’t you have two mates to drive crazy?”
    “Yes, I told them this morning we are having triplets. They are going to be very busy redoing the nursery in pink.” Cameron laughed as she let herself out.
    Jared moved in behind Sable and wrapped his arms around her. She sighed and melted into him. “I like your sister.”
    “I’m glad she likes you.”
    “Me, too.” Sable twisted in his arms, her heart skipping a beat at the half smile on his handsome face. “What are you doing home so early?”
    “I couldn’t focus knowing that my mate was home alone.” He kissed her cheek then drug his lips to her throat.
    “Well, when your sister came by, I was headed to your office.”
    “Great minds.”
    She let out a squeak when he palmed her ass and lifted her off the ground. Staring into his blue eyes she smiled and wondered what she’d done to

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