Jaguar's Judgment
deserve a second chance to love him. “I love you.”
    He crushed his lips to hers, nipping at her lower one in the process. “Love you. Always.”
    The End

The Ashwood Falls Pack
    Keegan Andrews - Former leopard Alpha, now an Elder of Ashwood Falls. Father of Baline, Alec, Shayna, and Ana. Mated to Addyson Lewis. Story told in Surrendering to the Alpha
    Addyson Lewis - Snow leopard and Pack Scribe. She has no surviving family. Mated to Keegan Andrews. Story told in Surrendering to the Alpha
    Blaine Andrews – Former leopard Marshal, now the leopard Alpha. Keegan’s eldest son. Brother to Alec, Shayna, and Ana. Mated to Graham Griffin and Cameron Nickels. Story told in A Mating Dance.
    Cameron Nickels - Black jaguar, a Sr. enforcer. Sister to Jared Nickels. Mated to Blaine Andrews and Graham Griffin. Story told in A Mating Dance
    Graham Griffin - Puma, architect by trade. Son of Sarah Matthews. Nevan Matthews’s stepbrother. Story told in A Mating Dance
    Alec Andrews – Leopard Beta until another one can be appointed and the new leopard Marshal. Brother to Blaine, Shayna, and Ana.
    Shayna Andrews – White tiger . Keegan’s adopted daughter. The Pack princess and a den mother. Sister to Blaine, Alec, and Ana. Story told in A Tiger’s Claim.
    Travis Hunter – Wolf. Former Alpha to Hunter Ridge until Onyx invaded the den and destroyed his Pack. Now he is the Ashwood Falls Pack Tracker. Father to Jocelynn, aka Josie, and son to Robyn Hunter. Story told in A Tiger’s Claim.
    Jared Nickels - black jaguar, Pack Justice, brother to Cameron.
    Zorana (Ana) Darwin-Andrews – Leopard. Daughter to Keegan.
    Kieran Michaels – Leopard Elder of Ashwood Falls. Former spy inside the Onyx den. No surviving family.
    Luna Raines - Wolf Alpha. Mother to Hayden, Dane and Tanner. Mate is deceased
    Hayden Raines - Wolf Marshal. Brother to Dane and Tanner. Mated to Christa Baker. Story told in Divided Loyalties.
    Christa Baker – Human mate to Hayden. Former rebel hunter. Caretaker to her twin niece and nephew, Brenna and Bryce. Story told in Divided Loyalties.
    Dane Raines – Wolf Beta and an enforcer. Brother to Hayden and Tanner. Son to Luna.
    Tanner Raines , a wolf sentry. Brother to Hayden and Dane. Son to Luna.
    Danica Welsh-Matthews – Leopard Pack Healer. No surviving family. Mated to Nevan Matthews. Story told in Winter Eve
    Nevan Matthews – Human Pack Empath. Stepson of Sarah Matthews and stepbrother to Graham Griffin. Mated to Danica. Story told in Winter Eve

Glossary of terms
    Alpha – Leader of the Pack
    Marshal (First born no matter the sex) – Leader of the enforcers and sentries. The Marshal will also step in to aid the Alpha in his duties when needed. If there isn’t an heir then a Marshal is appointed by the Alpha
    Beta – Second born to the Alpha and/or second in command to the heir/Marshal. Generally takes care of Pack issues.
    Enforcers – Enforces Pack laws and secures the safety of the den.
    Sentries – Generally guards the outer boarders of the Pack property. They can be called in to aid an enforcer in fighting and enforcing the law.
    Trackers – Skilled in tracking down rogues and eliminating them
    Den mothers/maternal females – Strong and protective, yet not dominate by nature, they watch over the youth in the Pack. Generally work in the nursery and schools and other programs where the children and teens are concerned.
    Justice – Pack lawyer with the special psychic ability to read memories through touch in order to place fair judgment on the accused and see the intent of outsiders that come to the den.
    Empath – Can connect to the Pack though their emotions and offers comfort when needed and advices the Alphas and Marshals of potential issues between Pack members.
    Scribe – Keeps the Pack history through the rare ability to pick up visions through touch. The ability works on objects and people. Many are loners and only like the company of other Scribes.
    Rebels – There

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