Bear in a Billion: EXPOSED (#1)
help but scream my name. And then, just when you think you can’t take it anymore, I’m going to do it again.”
    He dropped kisses down her soft body.
    “And again.”
    He continued to kiss and lick her way down her folds.
    “And again.”
    He reached her belly button and took hold of her thighs, draping a leg over either shoulder.
    “And again.”
    Haley felt her sex thrill with every tingle of his breath, and then he plunged forward, thrusting his tongue inside of her. Oh, surfer man. He was back. It hadn’t been long, but it still felt like forever since he had blessed her sweet pussy with his lips. Ethan was honest and true. Haley had known she could trust him from the moment he had saved her from drowning. He hadn’t wanted anything from her, he hadn’t even known who she was. All he knew was that she was in distress, nothing more, and he had risked his life to save hers. That kind of integrity you just couldn’t buy. Just being with him felt good.
    So did the lick all the way up her pussy.
    “Oh, Ethan.”
    She ground into his face, spreading her pussy lips wide for him. He circled her clit with his tongue, and already she could tell that her sensitive flesh was engorged. Lord, how she wanted him to suck it back, to make it his. His tongue backtracked down her folds again, and she rocked her hips up, running her hands through his shaggy hair. Men like this didn’t come along every day. Men like this didn’t come along ever.
    She pulsed with desire as she drove her pussy toward him. She couldn’t help herself. She wanted more. She wanted his tongue all the way inside of her. And more than that, she wanted his cock. Lord, how she wanted his cock. He grabbed her ass cheeks firmly and splayed her legs wider, licking all the way back up her dripping honeypot.
    Fuck me, already. Fuck me with your dick.
    When he reached her clit, she thought he would sail back down her slippery crease again, but he didn’t. He lingered. He took the little berry of flesh between his lips, tugging it back.
    Hello .
    Spasms of pleasure shot out. He couldn’t keep doing that. If he kept doing that, she was going to come right away. She didn’t want to come. Not yet. Not while he still had his pants on. He shoved his face more firmly into her crease and swirled his tongue around her nubbin. His lips parted and he tugged back on the sensitive flesh again and this time it felt like he was consuming her whole pussy, eating it raw.  
    The lid broke on the honeypot.
    Her pussy spasmed as pure liquid pleasure poured free from her core.
    “I’m going to keep fucking you with my tongue, baby,” he growled.
    “Fuck me with your cock,” she moaned.
    He continued to swirl around her nubbin, the wave of pleasure coursing through her veins. The orgasm went on and on, liquefying everything in its path. Haley looked at the ceiling, but she didn’t see the ceiling. She saw starbursts, one after another as her orgasm washed over her. She could feel her sweet essence coating her slippery channel, coating his tongue, and she wanted more. Haley raised her tired arms and reached down between her legs, lifting Ethan’s head.
    “Fuck me, Ethan. Fuck me like your life depends on it.”
    “Whatever you need, baby.”
    And Ethan stood, pulling his board shorts down. Haley caught her breath as the last waves of her orgasm broke on her farthest shores. She propped herself up on her arms to watch as he rolled an extra-large condom down over his extra-large dick. In a way, Haley was amazed they even made condoms that big—Ethan was so much bigger than any regular man. Just the sight of his towering rigidity brought the tingles back. She wanted him inside of her.
    Right now.
    Ethan shuffled forward and took both her thighs in hand, licking a long line up her pussy.
    No, not your tongue.
    Then, as if he had only tasted her to make certain she was ready, he gently rolled her hips around so that she now lay on her belly.
    Oh, yeah,

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