Vampires Never Cry Wolf

Free Vampires Never Cry Wolf by Sara Humphreys

Book: Vampires Never Cry Wolf by Sara Humphreys Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sara Humphreys
stopped Killian as he reached the top of the open staircase to the second floor.
    â€œI see the way you look at her.” Killian stilled at the top of the stairs but didn’t turn around. “You’re playing with fire, Your Highness.”
    The truth of that statement plowed into Killian with all the force David intended as his friend hit the lights and sank the apartment into darkness. The sound of David’s bedroom door clicking shut downstairs echoed through the dark, cavernous space.
    â€œShit,” Killian said, letting out a long sigh.
    He knew David was right, and based on Ivan’s comments earlier, Killian figured that Ivan suspected the same thing. The only difference was that Ivan was too worried about protocol to call the prince out on his dangerous fascination. Unbuttoning his shirt, Killian strode across the loft hallway to his bedroom. The entire second floor was essentially his bedroom and he loved it. The space was private and the bird’s-eye view from the building’s top floor almost made it feel like he wasn’t in the city at all.
    Not even bothering to turn on the lights, Killian shed his clothing and tossed them into the corner, missing the laundry basket entirely. Standing naked in front of the massive bank of windows, he looked out at the spectacular view of the Hudson River. The lights sparkled on the surface of the choppy winter water, and with the light of the almost full moon, the world outside was surprisingly light. Although with the heightened eyesight of his wolf, Killian didn’t need the moonlight. Werewolves could see clearly on even the darkest of nights.
    He should sleep, but he was too wound up. And Killian had developed a nasty habit of doing anything except what he should do. He should go back to Alaska, mate with Christina like his father wanted him to, and forget about the stupid fantasy of some perfect woman with the mark.
    And Sadie. He should forget about her too.
    He should and yet he couldn’t get her out of his mind. Those dark eyes, full red lips, and long, silky hair came together to create an exotic and dangerous-looking woman. David was absolutely right; Killian couldn’t deny that part of the allure was that she was a vampire.
    The sound of splashing water brought him out of his thoughts and immediately set his senses on high alert. Someone was in the pool on the private rooftop terrace.
    The sound grew louder, and based on the level of disruption in the water, it couldn’t be something small like a bird. There was definitely someone in the pool. Who the hell could it be? Who would be swimming out there in the middle of May other than another wolf? David and Ivan were downstairs, and the only way to get out there was through Killian’s office down the hall.
    Moving swiftly and silently, with his wolf clamoring to get out, he crept along the dark hallway. The door to his office was open a crack, allowing him to slip into the room without alerting the intruder to his presence. The sound of water sloshing grew louder as Killian moved closer to the sliding glass door, and a low growl rumbled in his throat as he spotted a body moving in the water. A pile of discarded clothing was draped over the bench.
    Stark naked, with his body wound tight, Killian curled his hands into fists as he prepared to rip the door open. The growl in his throat fell silent and heat flashed in his gut when he got an eyeful of the intruder and a wave of recognition flooded him.
    The crystal blue water of the pool was lit up from beneath, giving him a clear view of the most perfectly shaped female body he’d ever seen. Ripples of dark hair skimmed behind her as she stretched her long, lithe body through the water, pull after pull. She moved with absolute grace, and every curve on her nude form was exquisitely shaped.
    It was like watching an underwater dancer—one who didn’t need to come up for air.
    If the lacy cuffs on the shirt

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