Ringship Discretion

Free Ringship Discretion by Sean League

Book: Ringship Discretion by Sean League Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sean League
Tags: Speculative Fiction
up done in here" 
    The captain paused. "Roger that."
    Ben and the captain worked for about three hours and managed to get the new plate on and the others shored up. The captain clicked his radio. "OK Amelia, I think we are done.  We are coming back."
    She responded "Good, we managed to make the place more presentable. Hopefully, we won't be breathing in anymore bits of glass either."
    The captain cocked his head "Amelia, can you repeat that whole sentence?"
    She asked "Why? Did you not copy?"
    He said "No, I mean yes, that's just it.  It was crystal clear"
    In a raised voice she said "The jamming.  It's stopped!"
    The captain in a hurried voice, "We're coming in now."
    The captain and Ben threw everything into the airlock and quickly pulled it shut. They stood on the floor adjusting to the gravity once again while they waited for the lock to pressurize.  Once the airlock hit 40 kPa, it turned green and they removed their helmets.  Ben looked at the captain "Ready to go to full pressure?" The captain reluctantly nodded.  The pressure slowly rose.  They stood in there for what seemed forever equalizing their ears.  The captain looked through the portal at Amelia sitting at the controls, frustrated at the pressurization taking so long. In reality, it was a lot shorter than when they had to depressurize to go out, but they hadn't been in an anxious hurry then.
    Amelia said over the comm "Attie, I'm picking up ships again and hints of gamma rays.  There must be one hell of a firefight going on back there."
    The captain started to pace "Come on already!" Then the lock turned green once again and the captain instantly opened the hatch.  He stumbled over the welding equipment, started to fall forward, but kept trying to catch himself until he slammed into the back of Amelia's chair.  Amelia was jolted forward from the impact, then she looked over at Ben and they exchanged looks before she looked at Attie.  Attie made a fist and shook it at the airlock, but didn't say anything. Then he looked back at the console "What's the situation?" 
    Amelia pointed to the display. "It looks like some of the BB ships met up with some of  Big Sis ships and they are duking it out .  There are more ships coming from here and here.." The screen suddenly filled with random noise and bogus information. 
    It took a second for the captain to realize what had happened "The jamming signal is back up.  No doubt the BB ships are using it against the Big Sis ship again. Good! Let's get going while they're blind and confused." The captain hit the intercom. "We will be turning the engines back on, but we have to turn the internal plating off first.  Get ready." He looked at Amelia. "Do it".
    CHAPTER 3: The Run to Io.
    Whom Do I flee?
    What can the cargo be?
    To kill the Big Three,
    just to get at me.
    Two days later the captain knocked on Amelia's door.  She quietly replied, "Come in".  He opened the door to see her putting down a picture of her husband.
    She turned while wiping her face. "Hi."
    He looked at her and wanted to comfort her, but instead just said "The jamming signal. It stopped again." She took in a deep breath, got up and followed him to the bridge. 
    She changed the settings on the passive sensor suite and ships appeared. "Well, I would say that is one of the BB ships coming after us, but look behind him. There are so many radar echoes, but they aren't moving.  I'm getting no difference in doppler shift relative to each other.  My guess is that they are all disabled or destroyed.  There are several more Big Sis ships coming from here and they seem to be heading to cut off the BB ship, but he's accelerating too fast." 
    Atticus zoomed the display out.  "What about catching us?"
    Amelia pushed a display control button and it read out the relative speed and accelerations. "He is out accelerating us, but not by much."
    "Will he catch us before we get to Io?"
    If we maintained our

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