Russian Mobster's Princess

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Book: Russian Mobster's Princess by Bella Rose Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bella Rose
before really thinking it through. God knew how that sounded.
    Viktor didn’t mention her brash forwardness, which she appreciated. “Yes. I would imagine we will have sex again. Why? Do you want to?”
    “Actually, yes. I do.” Kira was still naked. She wondered if that was appropriate or not. “I love it when you touch me. It’s like everything in my body feels pleasure all at once. And I would like to learn how to touch you as well. I confess I’m curious.”
    VIKTOR COULD NOT hide his lust any longer. He gave a little growl and took his naked wife into his arms. This woman was his. Her sensuality and passion belonged to him. And as he pushed her back onto the bed and made love to her with his mouth, he realized she was the only thing he was thinking about right now.
    He peeled out of his pants and tossed them onto the floor, leaving his boxer briefs in place. Then he pulled his shirt over his head. Kira watched as he did this, her gaze one of utter fascination.
    “When you look at me like that, I think my ego is in danger of getting out of hand,” he told her.
    “Why? Because I think you are beautiful?”
    “You wanted to touch,” he prodded. “So touch.”
    She pointed to his boxer briefs. “You’re wearing underwear.”
    “They’ll keep me better behaved for now.”
    She placed her palms on his chest and traced the pattern of his pectoral muscles. Her clever fingers plucked at his nipples, making him suck in a sharp breath. Then she leaned over and used her tongue. He thought he might lose himself then and there at her boldness.
    The tiny noises of surprise and pleasure that she made were sexy as hell. Her hands were everywhere. She explored his ribs, tickling his sides as she found the groove that led to his waistband. Using her tongue, she traced a circle around his navel and then went lower to test the resilience of the skin on his hipbone.
    “You have muscle everywhere,” she said with awe. “Do you train like a dancer?”
    “I box,” he admitted. “With my friend Aleks, and other men from the organization.”
    “I would like to watch that. I bet it’s fascinating.”
    He might have said something else, except she took that moment to put her palm over the bulge of his erection. The thin fabric only muted the sensation of her touch. She was tentative at first, and then bolder as she measured the size and shape of him.
    “Please take them off,” she begged softly. “I want to see you.”
    “Like I can deny you when you ask so nicely?”
    He lifted his hips, and she helped him to slide the elastic off. His underwear hit the floor, and then Kira’s hands were on his cock. She ran her fingertips up the length of his shaft and circled the head until a bead of liquid formed at the tiny hole.
    Her exclamation was soon followed by the dip of her head as she tasted the fluid with her tongue. Viktor hissed as a flair of white hot pleasure snaked through his veins.
    “Does that hurt?”
    “God no.”
    “When you touch yourself, how do you do it?” she asked curiously.
    He chuckled. “Would you like to help?”
    Her eagerness made him so hot for her that he could hardly think straight. Viktor showed her then how to hold his cock between both hands. He helped her slide them up and down his shaft. He let her cup his balls and give them a gentle squeeze. Each second gave her more confidence, and soon he was gasping as she began to work his cock on her own.
    KIRA WAS UTTERLY fascinated by Viktor’s body. He was beautiful to look at, but it was more than that. The silken softness of his skin covered muscles hard as steel. And his cock was even better.
    She had never touched anything that felt so alive. Grasping him in her hands, she stroked him up and down the way he had shown her. She watched his face and listened to his breathing and learned what he liked and what he liked better. She felt him grow in her hand. His skin grew more taut as his erection grew

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