Russian Mobster's Princess

Free Russian Mobster's Princess by Bella Rose

Book: Russian Mobster's Princess by Bella Rose Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bella Rose
the bed and spreading her legs to show him her pussy. “I want you to touch me the way you did last night.”
    “No.” He knelt between her legs and kissed her inner thigh. “I’m going to do better.”
    KIRA’S MIND WAS still a little fuzzy, but when Viktor’s tongue encircled her clit, she knew exactly what she was getting, and even more so, what she wanted. Everything inside her woke up all at once. The sensations were exquisite. Sharp pleasure left her gasping for breath. She felt her inner muscles bear down as they sought the delightful feeling of penetration.
    He worked her pussy as though she had been made for him. He nuzzled her mound and slipped a finger inside her while he continued to tease and suck at her clit. The noises he made were so damn erotic! She opened her eyes and watched his dark head move between her thighs. The knowledge that he was licking and sucking at her with his mouth was devastating.
    Seconds later, she dissolved into a fierce orgasm. Her thighs clamped closed, locking against the sides of his head as her hips bucked and she whimpered over and over again. Still, it wasn’t enough. She felt empty and achy inside. Reaching for Viktor, she tugged at his clothes. She wanted him naked.
    “What do you need, little one?” he asked gently.
    “I need you. I need more.” She couldn’t even come up with the words. “Please, Viktor?”
    She heard him move and felt the bed shift. Moments later, she felt the warmth of his skin next to hers. She groaned at the exquisite sensation. There was crinkly hair on his legs, and more on his chest and belly. Yet he felt wonderful. Then he settled between her legs, and she spread her thighs wider to welcome him.
    “Take me,” she whispered. “I’m yours.”
    He kissed her. His lips made love to her, and his tongue slid deep into her mouth just as his cock probed her virgin entrance. Kira twined her arms around his neck and kissed him as deeply as she dared. Seconds later she felt the pressure of his entry. There was brief pain, but the friction made it almost pleasurable. She was full of him and eager to feel him move inside her.
    His hips began thrusting against her, driving his cock deeper and then retreating. Kira gasped in awe as she felt her own orgasm building at the base of her spine. Every nerve in her body seemed to fire at once as he drove in again. She felt him tremble against her, felt the pulsating warmth of his cock, and realized that he was spilling his seed into her body.
    “Kira,” he groaned. “You’re so damn tight. You feel so good. Come with me, little one. Give me more.”
    She threw her head back and shut her eyes as a wave of intense pleasure whipped through her body. Holding onto Viktor, she made him her anchor in the storm of passion that left her nearly senseless in its wake. If this was what she had been avoiding for so long, then she was a fool!

Chapter Nine
    Viktor tried not to disturb Kira’s sleep as he opened the front door of her apartment. “It’s good to see you, Aleks.” He smiled at his friend and longtime mafia comrade. “I can’t thank you enough for this favor.”
    “I’m still trying to figure out why you’re moving in here instead of taking her to your penthouse,” Aleks said, scratching his beard. “This place is a shoebox.”
    “But she’s comfortable here,” Viktor explained.
    Aleks’s blue eyes glinted. “Nicolas told us what his plan is.”
    “Did he?”
    “It’s low to use a woman as bait.” Aleks’s tone was flat. “None of the men approve. Your brother is making enemies fast. Soon we will be backing you to take over the leadership. I would rather have you for a boss anyway.”
    “While I appreciate the compliment,” Viktor told his friend. “I support my brother. You know that.”
    Aleks heaved a giant sigh. “ Da . We know. Even if we think you are mad.”
    “Go on then. I’ll see you at the next meeting.” Viktor clapped Aleks on the shoulder before the man headed

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