The Protector of Esparia (The Annals of Esparia Book 1)

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Book: The Protector of Esparia (The Annals of Esparia Book 1) by Lisa M. Wilson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisa M. Wilson
called, bringing her out from the icy prison.  Her eyes flew open.  Varnack’s face filled her field of vision, his nose nearly touching hers.  Throwing her arms around his neck, she clung to him.  He crouched next to her, not pulling away until she herself broke the embrace. 
    “You heard me.  Thank you,” she managed to whisper.  He licked her cheek.

    Gaylee Goes Home
    John was in deep sleep when a scream jolted him awake.  He sat straight up, his heart pounding.  His pulse raced.  “What the…”  It took him a few seconds to recognize his room, and when he finally did, he flopped back onto his pillow. 
    “I never dream,” he muttered half-awake.  “Never.”  The clock showed twelve forty-three.  Stumbling out of bed, he shuffled over to the window which overlooked the driveway.  Jess’s car was there, so she was home.  He listened, but the house was quiet.  He crawled back into bed.  Like a dull barb, unease prodded at the edges of his consciousness, but he could not identify the nagging discomfort.  While he lay there, trying to fall back to sleep, he thought of Jessica.  His little girl was growing up, graduated today.  Soon she would move away to school.  He turned onto his side.  He should have been there more.  He would make it up, travel this summer.  That’s it.  Show he cared…give his time.
    * * *
    The kitchen lay in early morning shadow.  John crossed to the bay window next to the door and pulled the wooden blinds.  “Huh, Jess always pulls these.”  The usual ‘gone running’ note was not on the refrigerator door. 
    She must be sleeping in.  She would be bouncing down any minute and then he would hit her up about the summer.  They could ask Grandma Gaylee to come with them.  There would be Disneyland… no…no, maybe eight years ago.  Perhaps New York, see some plays, shop, whatever Jess wanted to do.
    A half an hour later he still sat alone at the round kitchen table, a half glass of tomato juice accompanied by a piece of cold, partially nibbled toast were in front of him.  The morning paper lay open on his lap, but he found it difficult to concentrate.  Where was she?  He wanted to hear about the party and tell her about the planned trip before he left.  The clock on the microwave showed 7:50.  He would check on her.  He had barely passed through the kitchen threshold into the hallway when the side door dead bolt turned and Sophia strolled in. 
    Humming the last few bars of ‘Amazing Grace’, she spotted John.  The tune died in her throat.  “Dr. John, you’re still here.”  She hurried over to him.  “Are you ill?”
    “Sophia, could you go check on Jess?”  He held his voice calm.  “She’s not down yet, and that’s not like her.  I was about to go up myself, but since you’re here…in case she’s in the shower or dressing.”
    “No problem, I’ll be right back.”  She slipped past him and hurried up the stairs.  John went to the granite counter.  He absently brushed a few toast crumbs onto the tiled floor.  Sophia was back in less than a minute, her brows knit together in concern.  “Her bed hasn’t been slept in.” 
    “Are you sure?  Maybe she made it already.”
    Sophia shook her head.  “I know it hasn’t been slept in because as a surprise, I placed a rose on her pillow yesterday.  The rose is still there, right where I put it.”
    Sophia’s normally ruddy face lost its’ color, fear filled her eyes.  John's pulse increased.  His mouth went dry.  Without a word he walked out the kitchen door and straight to Jessica’s car.  The doors were locked.  Her wallet and party bag were on the backseat, nothing seemed out of place.  He circled the automobile twice, checking everywhere, but found nothing suspicious. 
    “What are you doing?” Sophia watched from the kitchen doorway, wringing her hands.  “Should I call the police?”
    John did not immediately respond.  How

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