The Protector of Esparia (The Annals of Esparia Book 1)

Free The Protector of Esparia (The Annals of Esparia Book 1) by Lisa M. Wilson

Book: The Protector of Esparia (The Annals of Esparia Book 1) by Lisa M. Wilson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisa M. Wilson
    Jessica was grateful she was curled up, because her legs went weak at the sound of this familiar voice.   
    “Thank you, My Lord.   As you know, I’m privy to many confidences at Ramadine and I’ve come with startling news."
    “I already know Larone has summoned his brother.”  Daenon sounded confident.
    "Yes, Anton’s at Ramadine, but this is not what I’ve learned."
    “Well?  What's this news that's so urgent you rushed here, against my orders, to tell me?”
    “I’ve learned the Protectors are not all dead.” 
    “What?” Daenon snapped.  “Explain yourself!” 
    “An heir of Graesion’s still lives.  Larone and Anton have conspired to bring him here.” 
    “That’s impossible!  Haesom’s sons are dead.”
    “Yes, my Lord, but his younger sister lived.”
    “What?”  The question was barely a whisper.
    “Haesom wanted everyone to believe she died, but his sister lived.”
    Someone paced on a carpeted floor.  The rhythmic thumping of his feet betrayed uneasiness.
    “Only one heir?” Deanon asked.
    “That’s my understanding.”
    “You said, ‘him’.  How do you know this protector is male? 
    “Well…I just assumed…”  The voice trailed off.
    “Idiot!  Never assume anything!  Haesom’s sister…Shallenon was her name…would be fifty by now.”  The pacing suddenly stopped.  “In what manner does she come?  By land?  By sea?  By magic?”
    “That, I…I also do not know.”  The man’s voice held real fear.
    “You come with no details?  Where has she been hiding all this time?”
    “My Lord, I…I…”  The informer barely whispered.
    “You fool!”  A loud smack caused Jessica to flinch.  She tried in vain to see through the thick cloud swirling around her.  The pacing began again.  "How certain are you that this information is accurate?  Could this be one of Larone’s ploys?  Are you suspected?”
    “No.  I believe my authority is still without question.  I’m always your faithful eyes and ears, my Lord.”  Under the persuasive tones of this smooth voice Jessica could sense alarm. Oh this guy’s good…oily and reeking of insincerity.  I wonder if Daenon will even notice.
    “Remember, once in my service, always in my service.  Never give me cause to regret our arrangement.”  The cold edge in the voice sent a shiver up Jessica’s back.  “Go back to Ramadine and learn details.  I’ll begin an immediate search.  The teams I’ve sent to kill Larone must now be diverted to find Shallenon.  She must be found before we attack.  I want no Protector leading or even inspiring these people.”
    “Yes, Lord Daenon.  I’ll learn all I can, I swear.”
    “Don’t get caught.  Now go.”
    The retreating footsteps of the informer faded away, but the dull, rhythmic pacing continued.  She counted each stride.  One, two, three, swish…One, two, three swish .
    “I will not be denied my victory by some brat of Graesion’s.”  Daenon spoke aloud.  The pacing stopped.  “The green persite.  I wonder if her coming caused it to glow.”  His heavy footsteps echoed off into the distance. 
    Jessica shivered in the cold fog.  It was time to find a way out, but… where was ‘out’?  The chill set deeper into her bones and her fingers were numb.  Warmth, she needed to find warm.  She started to run.  Faster and faster, her speed increased.  She tried to escape from the mist and the terrifying cold.
    In the first mist-vision, Sneakers incessant purring opened a channel to reality and with the sauna experience, Sophia’s call pulled her back home.  Now, however, she did not know where to find ‘home’.  Fighting the rising tide of panic, she tried to remember where she had last been.  A cave…the remarkable dog.  The dog!  She seized upon the thought.  Varnack!  Help!  I’m trapped!
    Within seconds, Jessica felt herself rolling over and over.  Something warm and moist touched her cheek.  An inner voice

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