The Protector of Esparia (The Annals of Esparia Book 1)

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Book: The Protector of Esparia (The Annals of Esparia Book 1) by Lisa M. Wilson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisa M. Wilson
could he tell her he was looking for scuffmarks or dents or even blood?  “I’m looking for some sign, some clue of what could have happened.”  Slowly, he walked up the brick path leading from the driveway to the kitchen entrance.  Not an inch of ground escaped his scrutiny.  There was nothing unusual, until he reached the door.  On a rosebush under the bay window, dangling from a small branch, were Jessica’s car keys. 
    “At least she made it to the door.”  He pointed to the keys, but did not touch them, they were evidence.  What an idiot!  He hadn’t dreamed the scream, he’d actually heard it.  Why did he assume things were all right last night?  Why didn’t he look in her room!  Shame, disgust, but most of all guilt welled up inside of him.  Shaking his head, he rushed past Sophia and went to the phone.  “I’m calling the police.”  When he reached for the receiver, the sound of screeching tires on the driveway filtered into the kitchen. 
    John hesitated, his hand in mid-air.  “Who?”  He glanced toward the door.  Sophia still stood in the opening.
    “Gaylee!”  Agitation filled Sophia’s voice.  “Jessica, she’s missing!”
    “I know!”
    John turned to face his mother-in-law when she ran into the house.  “You know?” His heart nearly stopped.  “Where is she?”
    An athletic woman with a pleasant, but no nonsense manner, Gayleena Saylon never ceased to intrigue John.  Always carrying herself with poise and confidence, she personified elegance.  By her own admission, she had seen nearly eighty-three years of life, but she did not look a day over fifty.  Her short, bright red hair was barely showing signs of gray.  Her attractive face carried but a few forehead wrinkles while several small crow’s feet creased the edges of her sapphire blue eyes.  Tall, though not quite as tall as Jessica, she emitted a noble air.  She never interfered in John’s life, but always managed to call or show up just when he needed a friend the most.
    “John.”  She hugged him.
    “So where’s Jess?”
    “On Edia, my home world.”  She said it matter-of-factly, as if he should know what she meant. 
    “Your what?” he stammered. 
    “Sophia, here.”  Gaylee handed her friend a thick manila envelope.  “Those are legal papers, giving you and Jacob power of attorney over my estate.  Pull out the top paper, that’s the one John needs to sign.”
    “Gaylee!”  John was thoroughly confused.  “Where’s Jess?  Explain yourself.”
    She appeared to not have heard him, for she crossed the kitchen and began rummaging through a small broom closet next to the bay window.
    “What are you doing?” he demanded.
    “Looking for your gun.  Sophia,” she ordered, “get me a fresh shirt or two for Jessica, and a pair of her jeans.  You know she’s our fashion princess, so get her favorites.  We’ll take those with us.”  Without a word Sophia left the kitchen.  “And grab a fresh shirt for John while you’re at it,” she yelled after her.
    John, feeling thoroughly irritated, grabbed her arm.  “Have you lost your mind?  Where is Jessica?”
    Gaylee pulled her arm free and faced him.  “John, I’ve never lied to you before.  I don’t plan on doing it now, but there’s a lot about me you don’t know.  I can explain later, when we have more time, but I don’t know how much longer the portal will be active, so we need to hurry.  I came here…here as in Earth…fifty years ago with Shallenon, when she was just a new born baby.”  Gaylee turned back to the closet and pulled a box off the top shelf.  “My home was under attack.  My husband died in the battle, but my two uncles were able to save me and Shallenon by sending us here.”  She pulled the gun, a 9mm Beretta semi-automatic pistol, from the box.  “Where’s the ammunition?” 
    He glared at her.  “What?”
    “Ammunition…where is it?”
    He reached around her and grabbed a box of

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