Ice Maiden
    “They are just other words for nourishing
    Aye, her words for the knowledge she carried.
Like the boiling of all cloth that touched his torn flesh. And the
sulfur powder she sprinkled on the wound to kill invisible bugs
only she could fret over. Bern held the belief these were only
minor peeks into the differences between her duel existences.
    One thing they shared in common, whether she
realized it or not, was their common fear over the secret she
lived. Nay, telling anyone would be a danger he could never expose
her to. She was right, superstition would rule against her. Bern
found pride in himself that he kept those fears from raising their
suspicious heads. She was not a witch or demon, only a woman. Who
somehow cheated death?
    “Are you alright, Bern?”
    To hide what she saw in him. “Should I naught
be? You starve me and this infernal stitchery of yours is its own
itching torture.”
    He reminded her of a small boy when he
scolded her. “Sweet man, you're mending very fast, but do give it
another day or two. I promise to relent on the meat if you
    “I do.”
    “Alright then, I will go and tell Mistress
Tilly to send up a platter, but lean, no fat and some steamed
    Gritting his back teeth he swallowed his
argument letting his attention drift to the gentle sway of her
hips. “Ah lass couldn't ye sooth my pain before ye go?”
    He knew only too well how to keep her with
him and he grew shameless in using his wiles.
    She caught the grimace of pain he failed to
conceal, Amy felt guilty for the suspicious doubts she held over
his request.
    “It is the stitches, they have grown too
    “You are healing, new skin is forming and
closing the wound.”
    Bern did not move, letting her concentration
fall to his leg, waiting for her to move closer.
    Amy's squeal turned to outrage over his trick
as he pulled her over him, pinning her in place with his good leg.
“Lie still lass or you will ruin all your good healing.”
    “You tricked me, let me up!”
    Bern's smile of denial was glorious. “I like
ye, where ye be.”
    “Oh! You are horrible.”
    “Is wanting to feel you against me so awful?”
He watched her press her lovely lips into a stubborn pout. She
couldn't hide her own enjoyment over her predicament and his
laughter filled the room. “Maybe I will lock ye in the tower.” Her
eyes grew enormous. “I have decided I do not like having other men
look at ye, selfish, aye, that is what you have made me.”
    Feeling her body start to relax Bern eased
his own hold, knowing she would naught try to escape. She liked his
words, if only she believed them.
    “When we marry I intend on holding ye often,
but without all these barriers.” His finger traced the neckline of
her gown enjoying the increased pressure her breast made against
his bare chest. “They are lovely.”
    Amy couldn't smother her pleasurable moan as
his thumb brushed under her breast. She should protest the
liberties he kept taking, but his name sounded more like a plea to
her ears.
    “Aye Amy, I am impatient, but not for the
reasons you believe.”
    “Your leg.”
    “Is healing, I want you lass as I have never
wanted a woman. I want to lavish your body with feverish loving
until you cry out my name and I hear you are mine, forever.”
    Amy's hands pressed into his solid chest to
escape, but her defeat was swift, her fingers found and touched
what they craved for far too long. “Bern...”
    “Aye lass, we will be glorious together.”
Having a fierce will he exerted its full power not to answer the
plea in her spellbound eyes. Nay, he would be whole when at last
they made love, for it would be a wild and passionate coupling.
“Sleep with me lass, in my arms, now.”
    His finger silenced her protest. She too
would be rested if he must force it upon her. “Now Amy, I need ye
beside me so I can sleep.”
    She may be a fool, but Amy found no hidden
play behind the request in his eyes.

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