Ice Maiden
“Alright, Bern.”
    Kissing the tip of her nose. “Good, now help
me ease over so we're both comfortable.” He never released his hold
completely, insuring she'd not run away.
    As she came to rest against his good side he
felt the tension gripping her body. “Only sleep, sweet Amy.”
    Smiling into his bare shoulder, she thought
his request to be an impossible feat. Lying beside him was crazy,
what his mere touch did to her body felt unbelievable.
    “Ye are as tight as a bowstring.”
    “So are you.”
    “I am built that way, ye are naught.”
    Properly chastened Amy smothered her giggle
in his solid flesh.
    Bern swallowed hard to keep back what she was
doing to him, deciding he might have made a mistake to think he
could do this and not more!
    Tucking her head beneath his chin he ended
her tickling movements. She seemed to have discovered a sensitive
part of his body he never experienced before. Even her gentle
breathing sent tremors racing through him.
    Trying to control his own responses to her
soft body molded against his brawn, Bern absently massaged her
temples. Slowly he felt her begin to relax. The silence filled with
her gentle breathing that slowly calmed into restful sleep.
Completely at peace in his arms, he carefully moved her closer
until she lay atop of his chest. Bern wrapped them in the blankets
locking her in his arms.
    Hearing the door open he refused to stir,
fearing he would wake her.
    Tilly fought with her shock seeing the fully
clothed Lady snuggled in his bare arms. Her amusement over his
shameful anguish quickly softened her heart. Lord Randall carefully
raised his finger to his lips and whispered. “She finally
    Smiling back and nodding in understanding
their gazes spoke volumes as she backed out of the room.
    Gently stroking the length of her unbound
hair, Bern watched the sun set through the open balcony. He lost
count of the hours he held her, listening to her contented sighs as
he gentled her fitful stirrings. His lips brushed her brow taking
away the frightened lines that came with her hated dreams. He
wondered how long it would take before the fearful memories left
her. She slept through this night because he held her and could
fight away the beast. “I will slay him, my dear Amy Bonner, somehow
I will find a way.”
    She snuggled closer, her arm tightened about
his neck seeking the shelter he offered. Bern allowed his own eyes
to close in the darkened room. He felt for the first time that he
would honestly be able to keep this woman who came to find him.
    * * * *
    Bern watched as Amy started to wake, finding
it oddly satisfying. Rather surprising considering the arousal he
woke with and swiftly calmed. Damn, keeping his hands off her until
their vows might prove very difficult.
    Seeing the disappearance of some of the
darkness under her eyes made it worth his self-inflicted torture.
He smiled over the graceful way her arms rose and reached out
across the empty bed. Her delicate fingers dug into the place he
left. Already she missed him. Aye, such a sweet surrender my
Lady. Nay, he may not have to battle her will to have her as
his wife, but Bern prided himself on not being a fool to think he
won. Amy wouldn’t give him all he wanted from her until she trusted
him and Bern already began his siege to prove to her she could.
    “You stretch like a contented cat, my
    He knew she was awake, even if she held her
eyes closed. Funny, how well he came to read her body signs.
Rubbing his sore leg he decided he gained some unexpected insight
from his injury.
    Her eyes were the color of the morning sun
with that mellow brightness of the sky in their depths as they
studied him.
    She couldn’t believe she still laid here
letting his gaze take its fill. But then she wasn’t beyond taking
her own bold study of him. Gawd, such a handsome rake, especially
with his hair all rumbled about his face and shoulder.
    “You shouldn’t be up, yet.”
    He smiled at the gentle scolding,

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