Ask Eva

Free Ask Eva by Judi Curtin

Book: Ask Eva by Judi Curtin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Judi Curtin
I hold her first?’ asked one of the new ladies, reaching out with thin, old arms. ‘I had to give my kitty away when I moved here three years ago, and Ihaven’t touched an animal since.’
    I think that might be the saddest thing I’ve ever heard. I quickly unwrapped Lucky from my fleece and handed her to Ella.
    ‘You pass the baby around,’ I said. ‘And I’ll get on with the tea.’
    Luckily the flask I’d brought was huge, and I’d filled it right to the top.
    ‘We didn’t bring enough cups,’ I said in a fake cross voice. ‘Who knew that everyone who lives on this floor would be here, Gigi?’
    Gigi laughed. ‘Oh, not everyone’s here. I invited them all, but Mary had to go to hospital, and Hannah’s gone to stay with her daughter tonight. Michael, who is at the end of the corridor, is a bit of a fuddy-duddy. He wouldn’t leave his room even if we told him The Beatles were playing a concert on my bed. Anyway, we’ll manage if you get the water glasses from my bathroom.’
    The man in the wheelchair gave a big wheezylaugh. ‘No need for that, girleen,’ he said. ‘I smuggled some cups from the dining room at supper-time.’
    He pulled back the rug that was covering his knees to reveal four white mugs and a huge plate full of sandwiches.
    ‘You naughty boy, Paddy!’ said Nancy, and he laughed again, like it was the best thing anyone had said to him for weeks.
    We all had tea and sandwiches, and the old people passed Lucky around. Lucky was very good, and seemed to be enjoying all the attention.
    ‘This is really quite cool,’ I was saying to Ella. ‘I’m glad so many people—’
    Just then an old lady stood up and headed for the door.
    ‘You’re not being fair,’ she said in a sulky voice. ‘Hannah has had three turns at holding Lucky, and I’ve only had one. I’m leaving.’
    I half-stood up, wondering if I should tryto stop her, but Gigi shook her head at me. ‘Peggy’s just a drama queen,’ she whispered. ‘Let her alone, and she’ll be fine in the morning.’
    While this was happening, no one noticed Fred shuffling over to the table in the corner and picking up the flask.
    ‘Maybe there’s one last drop left….’ he said.
    Even though it was empty, the flask was too heavy for his twisted, old hands. It slipped from his fingers and landed on Lucky’s tail. The poor dog yelped, and ran for the door, which Peggy had left open.
    ‘OMG,’ said Ella. ‘Catch her, or we’re all dead.’
    ‘OK,’ I said, running for the door. ‘You stay here and keep everyone calm.’
    As I turned the corner, I saw the tip of Lucky’s tail disappearing down the stairs.
    ‘Oh no!’ I whispered. ‘You silly dog. Don’t go down there. That’s where Nurse Witch isgoing to be.’
    I raced down the stairs as quickly and quietly as I could manage. When I got to the ground floor, I peeped around the corner. All seemed quiet at the reception desk, and I could see Nurse Witch’s shadow reflected on the floor, like an evil black puddle.
    ‘Where are you, Lucky?’ I whispered. ‘Come back or you’re going to get us all into a whole lot of trouble.’
    And then I heard a quivery voice from a half-open door at the end of the corridor – a quivery voice saying two words that made my blood turn to ice.
    ‘Nice doggie.’
    The shadow didn’t move, and I guessed that Nurse Witch was too far away to have heard. I legged it down the corridor, and slipped into the room, pulling the door closed behind me.
    A small night-light gave the room a creepy red glow. In the corner, a woman was sittingup in bed, hugging Lucky, who was licking her face.
    ‘Nice doggie,’ said the woman again. ‘Nice doggie.’
    I didn’t want to frighten her, so I walked very slowly over to the bed, and sat on the chair beside her.
    ‘I’m Eva,’ I said.
    The old woman held Lucky with one hand, and reached the other hand towards me. I shook it, but it was like shaking a warm dry bundle of twigs, and I was half-afraid

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