Days Like These

Free Days Like These by Miranda Barnes

Book: Days Like These by Miranda Barnes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Miranda Barnes
can't do.'
    'We can't afford for you to be out every night like this, Jamie. Round the pubs, drinking. There's only my salary now to pay for everything.'
    'Money, money, money!' he sneered. 'That's all you think about.'
    'It's not good for you either,' she continued. 'You know it isn't. You promised, Jamie!'
    He swore at her and suddenly picked the pan up and flung it across the kitchen. It hit the wall. Fat dripped.
    'I'm going where I'm more welcome!' he shouted. 'Where someone doesn't pick on me all the time.'
    He barged past her and thundered through the hall. She heard the front door slam. Moments later, his BMW roared into life. She listened as it raced down the street and screeched round a corner. Then she collapsed on to a hard wooden chair, sobbing. What on earth was she to do?

    Chapter Twelve
    'Meg, I hate to ask, but could you possibly stay with Kirsty for an hour after work?'
    'What is it, Robert?'
    He grimaced and ran a hand through his hair. 'Another little crisis! The school's just rung. Sean's had an accident. Nothing serious. But he had to have stitches in his head, and they want me to collect him from the hospital. So I need someone to look after Kirsty for me.'
    'Of course. I'd be glad to help. Do you want to go now?'
    'If you don't mind.'
    She rang home but there was no answer, which wasn't surprising. She never knew where Jamie was these days. His good intentions hadn't lasted long.
    'I haven't seen much of you lately,' Robert said as they walked out to his car. 'How have you been?'
    'Pretty good, thanks. The bump's getting bigger, though,' she added, patting her stomach.'
    'Call that a bump? That's nothing!'
    'Well, it feels like a mountain to me. Anyway, how have you been?'
    'Struggling.' He grinned. 'They run me ragged, the pair of them.'
    'I don't believe it. You're an old softy!'
    'Old, yes,' he said, opening the passenger door and helping her into the car. 'And as soft as a lump of concrete.'
    Meg laughed. Already she felt better. Five minutes with Robert, and …. How was that possible?
    'What's Sean been up to?' she asked as they set off.
    'Just playing football, I think. That's what they said anyway. Banged his head on something harder than him.'
    First, they collected Kirsty from the childminder. She was thrilled.
    'Meg! I didn't know you were coming for me.'
    Meg laughed and hugged her. Kirsty was so excited it was infectious. Her eyes shone. Her face was all smiles. Golden curls tumbled across her face. Jam round her mouth soon transferred to Meg's face.
    'I'm just coming for a little while,' Meg said. 'Daddy's going to collect Sean.'
    'To my house?' Kirsty asked. 'You're coming to my house?'
    'For a little while.'
    'Oh, good!'
    Kirsty hung round her neck and kissed her again. Meg laughed and kissed her back.
    Robert said, 'Steady!'
    Meg pulled a face at him. 'Old misery!' she charged.
    Kirsty began to sing a song about the wheels on a bus that went round and round.
    Meg, happy, joined in.
    Robert dropped them off at the house.
    'I'll be as quick as I can,' he assured Meg.
    'Don't worry about that. Just go and see to Sean. Don't worry about us.'
    'Thanks, Meg.'
    He gave her a smile that warmed her heart. She sighed and shook her head wistfully as she listened to him drive away. How was it that he made her feel so happy?
    Then she turned her attention back to Kirsty, who was waiting expectantly in the kitchen. She headed for the bread bin and the fridge. Kirsty, it seemed, was starving.
    Sean wasn't too good. He was tired and subdued. He managed a smile for Meg, and a quiet hello, but not much more. He didn't even respond to Kirsty's shrill enquiries about his bandaged head. Robert put him to bed.
    'He'll be all right?' Meg asked anxiously.
    'I think so. He's just tired and over-wrought. Maybe a bit concussed, as well, they said at the hospital. It's been a long day for him, poor lad.'
    'For you, too,' she pointed out.
    He yawned and glanced at his watch. 'I'm sorry, Meg. It's

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