Savage: A Bad Boy Fighter Romance

Free Savage: A Bad Boy Fighter Romance by Marci Fawn, Isabella Starling

Book: Savage: A Bad Boy Fighter Romance by Marci Fawn, Isabella Starling Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marci Fawn, Isabella Starling
covered the distance between us and she stutters backwards a step as my hands wrap around her small but curvy body. She feels fucking fantastic, wearing an aquamarine dress that accentuates her body in all the right ways. I slide a hand up her back as I stare down at her eyes, smiling now.
    “Hey,” I say again.
    “Hey,” she answers back hesitantly.
    I kiss her.
    She gasps into my mouth and it’s the cutest thing I’ve ever heard. I have to rein myself in, because I want to devour her like she’s ice cream on a hot, sunny day. I take it slow, tasting her lips and then slipping my tongue into her mouth. I’m not sure if she’s ever kissed before – I never asked – but she molds to my touch perfectly.
    Her body responds just like I need it to, pressing against me, her hands on my broad, bare chest. I don’t know if she can feel my heart beating a mile a minute, but it is. My cock twitches in my shorts and I can feel her jerk away from it for a moment, before pressing herself closer a second later.
    She likes this.
    I can’t help but feel proud. You could take my ninety-six victories away from me right now and I wouldn’t give a shit because I’ve just scored the best win of my life.
    I growl into her mouth and she moans softly as I kiss her harder, walking her back against the door. Goose bumps pimple on her skin as the cold metal touches her and I nip at her lower lip, catching it between my teeth. She tastes like honey and chocolate and freedom . Good things. I can’t get enough of her.
    I move one hand lower to cup her ass and she squirms, rubbing her thighs together.
    “Is this too much, sugar?” I ask, willing her to say no.
    She just shakes her head, her lips already puffy and her eyes hazy with need.
    I want to give her the world. I can’t yet, but I can give her something that feels almost as good.
    Slowly, keeping her pinned between my strong body and the door, I slip my hand down the folds of her thin dress. She stammers another sigh as my fingertips brush over her perky tits, staying there only for a moment to pinch one of her nipples through the fabric. Adrienne yelps and I grin, kissing her again, letting her moan into my mouth.
    Oh, I’m going to love this.
    My hand gets down to the hem of her dress and my rough fingers touch the soft, silky skin of her pale thighs. She shudders beautifully and I let my hand move upward, palm facing up, tracing a line up her thigh until I can feel her heat. Her gorgeous blue eyes shoot wide open and she looks up at me, some unsaid prayer on her lips, but I hush her.
    “I’ll play nice, sugar,” I promise, and I mean it.
    This might be the first fucking time I want someone to get off this badly. I want her to smile, I want her to cry out in ecstasy in my arms. I want to see that.
    I push my palm flush against her pussy, covered only by a pair of thin panties, and she gasps, gripping my biceps. Her short nails dig into my flesh as I rub up and down a few times, moving to kiss a line along her neck at the same time. I love the way she whimpers and grinds into my hand, the way her whole body is shuddering with every touch of my hand, my lips.
    She’s so wet, I can feel it through the panties. She needs this as much as I need to give it to her. Losing my patience, I grab hold of the fabric and rip, making her yelp as the seams come undone and I toss the ruined panties aside. I find her mouth again and shove my tongue in her mouth and she sucks on it eagerly as I press two fingers against her slit, swimming in her juices.
    I roll my thumb over her clit and it’s like she’s been hit by an electric shock, jolting against me. But she has nowhere to run. I have her exactly where she wants to be.
    Slowly, I insert both of the fingers, just the tips at first. She’s gasping for air, her eyes rolling back in her head as I consume her mouth.
    “Fuck, you’re so tight,” I ground out, and she doesn’t have to tell me what I already know.
    She’s a virgin.

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