Close Up the Sky

Free Close Up the Sky by James L. Ferrell

Book: Close Up the Sky by James L. Ferrell Read Free Book Online
Authors: James L. Ferrell
like what he had imagined a
scientist's office would look like. Instead of shelves loaded with books and a
desk piled high with papers, everything was immaculate. In place of the ceramic
tile he had seen throughout the complex, the floor was covered with royal blue
carpet. Instead of overhead lights, decorative lamps on tables gave the
surroundings a soft appearance. A big antique wooden desk with three plush
chairs facing it dominated one side of the room. A color map of the Milky Way filled
the entire wall behind it. He knew it had to be an optical illusion, but the
celestial scene appeared to be alive. The stars pulsed and glowed in various
colors, contrasting sharply against the blackness of space. It was like looking
through a huge window from the interior of a spaceship. A massive grandfather
clock stood against the opposing wall, its pendulum marking each second of time
with precise strokes. Green plants in colorful pots were scattered about the
room, creating a feeling of health and wellbeing. To say that he was impressed
was putting it mildly.
    "Sit down,
Matt," said Durant. "Would you like a cup of coffee while we
    "Yes, thank
you. It's been a long day." As he sank into a chair he focused on the star
map, mesmerized by the spectacular scene.
isn't it?" said Durant.
    "It's the
most amazing thing I've ever seen." As he stared at the map he saw a tiny
spot of white light flare deep within a cluster of stars. The brilliance held
for a few seconds then vanished. He leaned forward and squinted into the starry
    "A nova,"
Durant explained. "The map was a birthday gift from some of the scientists
and engineers here at the facility. I don't understand myself just how it
works, but it certainly relieves the shut-in feeling you get from working
underground too long. I've always loved star gazing, and this helps relieve the
stress a little."
    Taylor walked
across the room and opened a set of louvered doors in the wall. Inside was a
small kitchenette where she busied herself making coffee.
    Durant moved
behind his desk and picked up the telephone. Someone on the other end answered
and he spoke briefly. "Jenny, I'll be working late in my office. Please
hold the calls." He paused a few seconds, still holding the telephone to
his ear. "Yes, he's in my office now. Tell Carl I’ll get back to him as
soon as possible. Also, please ask Dr. Kasdan to join us.” He hung up and
settled into his desk chair.
    "Matt, since
your arrival you've had an opportunity to see some of the measures we've taken
to ensure security at this facility. In addition to the electronics and
helicopter patrols, we have an elite detachment of U.S. Marines on duty inside
and outside the buildings twenty-four hours a day. It would take hours to fully
explain the precautions necessary to see that no unauthorized persons gain
access to the facility and to ensure that the technicians take nothing with
them when they go off duty. In addition to the physical security, everyone
working here has undergone a thorough background investigation. Most have
either a secret or top-secret clearance. That's one of the reasons you weren't
told anything about Apache Point until now. Rather than mislead you, we thought
it best to tell you nothing at all. I believe you'll understand and agree with
our methods very shortly. If you don't, you'll be free to go, just as though
this meeting never occurred."
    Taylor started the
coffee then sat down next to Leahy. She folded her hands in her lap and gave
him an encouraging smile. He noticed she was squeezing her hands so tightly
that the knuckles were white. Before they could continue, the door opened and a
man wearing one of the long lab coats entered.
    Durant introduced
them. "Matt Leahy, I'd like you to meet Dr. John Kasdan. John is Director
of Middle Eastern Studies here at Apache Point." Dr. Kasdan appeared to be
in his mid-forties, with a swarthy complexion and dark piercing eyes. His hair,
once black, was

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