Not the Friend with Benefits: A BBW New Adult Serial Romance (Not the Hot Chick series Book 3)

Free Not the Friend with Benefits: A BBW New Adult Serial Romance (Not the Hot Chick series Book 3) by N. Raines

Book: Not the Friend with Benefits: A BBW New Adult Serial Romance (Not the Hot Chick series Book 3) by N. Raines Read Free Book Online
Authors: N. Raines
Not the Friend with Benefits
    "So what do you feel like doing tonight?"
    Layla Messner smiled at the man sitting across from her. So nice to have someone to spend time with. Who wanted to spend time with her.
    They were just finishing breakfast at their favorite coffeehouse on Elmwood Ave. "I'm open to suggestions," she answered. "What would you like to do?"
    Her companion scanned the events page of the Gusto . "We could check out a movie. A couple of new ones are playing at the Galleria."
    "Mm-hmm." Layla took a sip of coffee and cradled the heavy mug as she gazed at Drew. How'd she get so lucky?
    They'd met in the teachers' lounge of a local elementary, both doing the substitute gig, and had bonded over the feeling of being outsiders among a staff that had worked together for years. Their chat led to an exchange of phone numbers, and after that a series of dates. They had clicked right away.
    It would be hard not to click with Drew Halligan. He was cute, smart, and funny. He loved teaching, as did she. Something else to bond over. There wasn't much not to like about him.
    His mouth moved, but it took a moment for her to register that he'd spoken. "Hello? Earth to Layla." He waved his hand a few inches from her face.
    She blinked and laughed. "Sorry. What'd you say?"
    "I said, there's a new band playing at that place we went last week. We could check it out if you feel like it."
    "I'm up for that. Sounds good." So good, in fact, that she threw caution to the winds and said, "Let's do both. A movie and then stop for drinks, check out the band."
    Drew gave her a wide-eyed look of approval. "All right! Damn, girl, you're living large."
    She grinned. "You said it."
    Why shouldn't she live large? She and Drew had been seeing each other a couple of months now. They hadn't slept together yet, but they were certainly more than just friends. Though they hadn't discussed it, Layla felt they were moving into boyfriend/girlfriend territory.
    So why aren't you discussing it? A little voice inside, her pain-in-the-ass conscience, asked. And why haven't you two hooked up yet? You want to, don't you?
    Of course she did.
    Then what's the holdup? Is it because you'll have to decide about Cam?
    Cam. Her friend. And he was her friend, regardless of the fact that she'd hooked up with him twice. But that had been months ago. Now their relationship was strictly platonic.
    If it's so innocent, so platonic, how come you've never mentioned him to Drew? Hmm?
    Because there was no need to. Drew hadn't told her about all his friends.
    Maybe because he's not still hanging out with his former hookups. It's a little different in your case, isn't it?
    Not at all. There'd been nothing sexual between her and Cam since before she even met Drew. And that's how it had been ever since she'd told him she wanted to dial their relationship back.
    Uh-huh. And are you happy he's stuck to those terms or disappointed?
    Shut. Up.
    Drew's voice roused her. "You're doing it again."
    "Doing what?"
    "Zoning out. Am I that boring?" His mouth hitched up in a smile, but there was a shadow of doubt in his expressive blue eyes.
    Guilt pinged her. She placed her hand over his on the wooden table. "Not boring at all. Guess I'm just spacey this morning." She glanced at his bowl. "You all done with your oatmeal?"
    "Yes, ma'am."
    "Such a disgustingly healthy meal." She'd finished off her cinnamon bun a while ago. "You're so good at resisting temptation."
    He held up his arm and made a fist, bulging his biceps. "Breakfast of champions."
    In spite of his clowning, she couldn't help but admire the size of his muscle. Though he was of stocky build, he certainly had plenty of muscle mass. He wasn't as tall as Cam, but he had no trouble topping her five feet two. With his light brown hair and blue eyes, and the dimple that flashed in his cheek when he smiled, he certainly wasn't hard to look at. Maybe Drew didn't cause women's heads to turn, as Cam did, but he was good-looking in a

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