
Free Betrayal by Nancy Ann Healy

Book: Betrayal by Nancy Ann Healy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nancy Ann Healy
right,” Alex said putting her arm around her lover’s waist gently. “How are you, Russ?”
    “Well, I’ve had better weeks.” The man’s brown eyes seemed to turn nearly black as he spoke. “I can’t believe he is gone.” Alex tried to respond but she felt the weight of the conversation increasing.
    Cassidy caught sight of Dylan prattling on to Stephanie Merrow with another story. True to form he was becoming more animated as he got to know the young woman better. Cassidy thought this presented the perfect opportunity to save the president’s daughter and give her lover some space. She gently took Alex’s hand to grab her attention and gestured across the room. The agent and the ambassador both turned to see Dylan pretending to hold a steering wheel. “I think that’s my cue,” Cassidy raised her eyebrow.
    “Might be,” Alex chuckled. “Why don’t you grab hold of him? I’ll meet you over there in a few minutes. Probably had his fill by now.”
    “I wouldn’t be so sure,” Cassidy giggled, seeing her son delight in the attention the Merrow sisters were paying him. “Nice to meet you, Ambassador.”
    “The pleasure is mine, Mrs. O’Brien,” he offered as she took her leave. The ambassador turned back to Alex and sighed. “I am sorry, Alex…about John.”
    “I know.” Russell Matthews and John Merrow had attended West Point together and had developed a mutual respect and admiration for the other. Through the years President Merrow had called on his former classmate many times as a trustworthy resource and ally, both for advice and for assistance. Matthews’ placement in the embassy in Moscow drew criticism from many, but John Merrow was steadfast in his support of the former Army Captain. Most had to admit that the choice proved a wise one over the years. Matthews was a gifted communicator andnegotiator. His unassuming manner prompted people to give him more information than they realized in many instances.
    “Alex, I was hoping we could speak privately.”
    “Here?” she asked.
    Alex moved slowly toward the far corner of the room, watching the eyes within to be certain no one was paying attention too closely. “What is it?”
    “Why do you think they shot him?” he asked.
    “Well, I don’t know who the ‘they’ would be, Russ,” she said flatly.
    “I’ve heard some things, through some back channels.”
    Alex brought her thumb to her temple. “What things?”
    “Advanced Strategic Applications, ring any bells?” the ambassador asked quietly.
    “What would ASA have to do with the assassination of a president?” Alex asked, the pressure on her temple increasing.
    “I don’t know, except that there is talk about Pakistan and something about a meeting in Corsica.”
    “I’m still not sure I…”
Initsiativy est zdes’ I vo Frantsii chrotbi kontrolirivat importom I eksportom
. (Initiatives here and in France to control imports and exports, Captain),” he said.
    “Torgovlya oruzhiyem
(Arms trade)?” Alex asked for clarification. The ambassador answered with only a glance. “You think he tried to prevent something?”
    “Perhaps,” Matthews answered.
    Alex nodded and looked across the room to see Cassidy squatting in front of Dylan. “When are you returning?” she asked her friend.
    “I leave for Moscow Monday.”
Zdes’ nelza eto obsuzdat. Pozvoni Tayloru, on ob’yasnit
(Here is not good. Call Taylor, he will explain),” Alex suggested. “It was good to see you, Russ,” she reached for his hand.
    “I am sorry, Alex,” he said sadly as he noticed the agent’s focus shift across the room. “She is lovely,” he allowed his gaze to follow the agent’s to the blonde woman gently running her fingers through a small boy’s hair.
    “Yes, she is,” Alex agreed. “Speak to Taylor, Ambassador,” Alex repeated, receiving a nod of understanding from her friend. “I think it’s time to get a certain young man home,” she

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