Only One Man Will Do
leaned forward to wrap his hands around her breasts, floating on the surface of the water. Both nipples hardened in his palms as he began to knead and fondle the rest of her softness.
    “Speaking of being in your bed…” he began in a low growl.
    “Yeah, I’m waterlogged enough for now,” Alexandra replied as she stood up, water cascading off of her skin, enjoying his lustful gaze as she grabbed for a towel and put one foot on the side of the Jacuzzi to begin drying her legs off.
    Dmitri got up on his knees and moved closer to her, his face at just the right height for him to use his tongue to lap at her folds. He used both of his hands to spread her labia while his thumbs massaged the seams inside the inner lips. He continued to assault her senses, as his teeth lightly grazed her clit, biting it gently, before he went back to lapping at the juices flowing out of her for him.
    Suddenly Alexandra stiffened and moaned, as she reached forward to press his head tighter against her swollen mons. As she came, fluids erupted out of her, and Dmitri lapped at all of them.
    “Mmmm,” he hummed against her pubic bone. “Come for me, my
    When her legs began to shake he stood up and picked her up, impaling her on his cock and stepping out of the tub with her attached to him. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and crossed her ankles against his ass. He ignored the towels and strode out into the bedroom. When he reached the bed he felt it with his knees first, because his eyes were closed to better enjoy the feeling of having her impaled on his cock while he walked.
    Dmitri fell forward and when Alexandra hit the bed, his weight forced him so deeply into her, she grunted with the impact. Then they both began to move and the next few hours were spent in luxuriously fucking in every position they could think of to enjoy each other. When Alexandra fell asleep first, Dmitri held her closely in his arms, enjoying the feel of her skin against his, while he began to plan his next move in
Operation: Tame the Red-haired Wildcat.

Chapter Eight
    I didn’t think it was possible for this to get even more boring than it’s been, year after fucking year! But it has.
    Alexandra stood alone, off to one side in the huge great-room where drinks and appetizers were served before dinner. She shifted from one foot to the other, her feet begging for relief from the spiked heels she wore to accentuate her long legs.
    Her dress was conservative by most standards, made from an olive green silk blend with thin spaghetti straps that dug into her shoulders while they strained to hold up her breasts. The dress draped in the front, but no amount of fabric could conceal the cleavage that had always drawn leers from the men and jealous glances from the women, even at society events like this one. Some of her tattoos were covered by the fabric, and the few that showed were colorful butterflies and flowers in colors that complemented her dress. She hated having to dress to please others instead of herself, especially on a weekend night. She sighed with annoyance at nothing in particular and everything in general.
    She looked around in dismay at the usual crowd of older men wearing tailored power suits with accessories that screamed out
disposable wealth!
The women were all wearing expensive jewelry with their revealing gowns designed to show off their salon-tanned and toned bodies.
    Hmm, wonder how many hours she spends at the gym getting her arms that thin? Too bad she can’t do anything about her bony ass. And those implants of hers? Honey, these girls are real…yours look like they’re gonna explode any minute. Judging by the amount of silicon that must be in them we’ll all have to run for cover!
    To cover up her smile, she took another sip from her glass of Riesling and snuck a quick look at her watch.
    I wonder if Dmitri is already at the bar. He told me he wouldn’t miss me too much, since the other females in my gang will be

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