Cured by Pleasure
seemed to sink deeper into the mattress as he relaxed. His cock still glistened from the combination of their releases as did his face. He was the one who needed cleaned up, so he wouldn’t wake up sticky.
    She stepped into the bathroom and found a clean pile of washcloths in the cabinet beside the shower. A stack of towels was beside it, and she decided to take a quick shower after she cleaned him up.
    After wetting a washcloth with warm water and soap, she headed back out to Beck and wiped his face gently clean first before moving lower to his softened cock. He was no less beautiful when not sexually aroused. In fact, he might just be more appealing to her. She was still trying to convince herself she could walk away from them if they decided it was over, when he rolled over toward her.
    “What?” she whispered the question when he murmured something to her. When he murmured again, she leaned in closer and swore she felt her heart expand at his half asleep confession.
    “Falling in love with you,” he mumbled. “Falling in love.”
    And as he slipped deeper into sleep, she stepped back into the bathroom to deal with emotions she wasn’t sure any of them were really ready for.

    Chapter Seven
    The hot water was heaven on Deja’s skin, but it couldn’t touch the chaos of her mind or her emotions. Beck thought he was falling in love with her? Had she heard that right? Because, God help her, she wanted it to be truth just so she wasn’t the only one falling. They’d only known each other three weeks and only in the social setting of the office. This was their first night together. It was too early for thoughts or feelings along those lines. Wasn’t it?
    As she blinked her eyes open, the bathroom door swung wide on the opposite side of the bathroom from Beck’s room, and Asher stepped in. He paused as he saw her through the clear glass panels of the shower, his gaze settling on her breasts under the spray of water. He licked his lips before stepping closer and leaning against the wall.
    “Did I wake you?” she asked as she finally shut the water off. “I didn’t mean to.”
    He slid the shower door open and held a towel out to her. She dried briskly, feeling his eyes following every stroke of the cloth on her skin before she wrapped it around her and tucked the ends between her breasts. He took her hand to help her step out on the rug, only then did he answer her.
    “I heard you and Beck,” he said, clearing his throat.
    She could see desire in his eyes, and a glance down his body showed the bulge of his cock beneath his boxer briefs.
    “I’m sure you could have joined us.” She shrugged her shoulders. She wasn’t certain of the rules or the way things worked just yet, but they’d already all been together once. So, it just made sense.
    “I watched for a minute,” he admitted, and she jerked her gaze to his in surprise. She hadn’t known he was watching. He licked his lips again. “I watched him make that ass of yours blush red from his hand. Watched how much you enjoyed it. It made me wonder what you’d allow me to do.”
    “What do you want to do?” She swallowed the nervousness as she watched him.
    “What would you say if I told you I wanted to tie you spread eagle on my bed and touch every inch of you? That I wanted to suck and bite on your tits, then fuck my cock between them while I pushed them together? That I want to fuck you until you’re begging me to release your bonds just so you can claw at me for something to hold on to because the pleasure will be that intense.”
    She swallowed again, but not from nervousness. She liked a rougher touch on her breasts, liked them pinched, liked the sharp edge of a firmer bite than a soft nip. It triggered things in her. Sometimes she’d even come just from rough breast play.
    “What would you say if I said I dare you?” Where the challenge came from she wasn’t sure, but she voiced it nonetheless.
    He took her hand and gently

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