
Free PoetsandPromises by Lucy Muir

Book: PoetsandPromises by Lucy Muir Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lucy Muir
he said. “Miss
Ashwood, I come bearing an invitation I feel sure you will wish to accept,” he
announced, handing Elisabeth a folded note.
    Wondering what it could be, Elisabeth unfolded it and read
aloud. “Sherbourne, spring has arrived. You and Miss Ashwood must join us for a
picnic at St. James this afternoon at three of the clock. Shelley.”
    “Shall we go, Miss Ashwood?”
    “Oh yes, I was thinking about them but a moment since and
should like it above all things!” Elisabeth exclaimed without waiting for Lady
Parker to give her permission.
    “Richard,” Lady Parker said in a warning tone. “I do not
know that this is wise.”
    “It is only a meeting in St. James Park, Charlotte,” Lord
Sherbourne persuaded. “I do not think there will be any harm in it. Most of the ton prefer Hyde Park, and with the Season not begun there will be few
people about. Miss Ashwood’s maid may accompany us if you wish.”
    “Mr. Earlywine,” the butler announced before Lady Parker
could continue her argument against the outing.
    “Lady Parker, Miss Ashwood, good morning. Sherbourne,
thought I should find you here when you were not at home,” James said, assuming
the privilege of a close family friend by taking a chair without being asked.
    “Earlywine, we have just received an invitation to a picnic
with the Shelleys at St. James this afternoon—would you care to join us?” Lord
Sherbourne asked his friend. “They do not stand on ceremony and would be
pleased if you would come.”
    “Should like it immensely,” James accepted. He turned to
Lady Parker.
    “Lady Parker, I come with orders from m’sister and mother to
thank you for assuring that ‘Melia’s come-out ball will be a success. My sister
is to have a duke attend and they have no doubt that the acceptance is due to
the fact you will be there. It is a great honor for the daughter of a mere
baron, and m’sister is in alt.
    “Begging your pardon, Miss Ashwood,” James added as he
realized Elisabeth also was the daughter of a “mere” baron.
    “Granted,” Elisabeth said, amused to see Earlywine make even
such a small error in etiquette, although he did not appear unduly overset by
it, for his blue eyes twinkled mischievously as he gave a slight bow in
acknowledgment of her forgiveness.
    At half past two that afternoon the three friends set out to
meet the Shelleys at St James, Molly accompanying Elisabeth at Lady Parker’s
insistence. The park, not far from the town house, was not as popular as Hyde
Park but it contained many more flowers and the spring bulbs were making a fine
display. Elisabeth admired their beauty as they walked over the grass. She had
chosen to wear one of her older walking dresses, feeling it would be appropriate
for a picnic. However, she knew it to be one of her most flattering older gowns
and was pleased to see the admiration in both gentlemen’s eyes.
    “Where shall we find Mr. and Mrs. Shelley?” Elisabeth asked.
“The note did not specify.”
    “One may always find Shelley where the water is,” Lord
Sherbourne informed her, gesturing toward the canal with his walking stick.
    “I believe I have spotted them,” Earlywine said, veering off
to the right where two figures could be seen running along the canal bank.
    Puzzled, Elisabeth wondered what the husband and wife were
doing. As they neared the canal Elisabeth was astounded to see the Shelleys
were chasing after paper boats.
    “Oh dear, mine has swamped,” Mary Shelley exclaimed as her
paper craft suddenly tipped and began to sink.
    Shelley acknowledged their presence with a wave, plucked his
still-afloat paper boat from the water and came toward the three. “Sherbourne,
one moment,” he called as he strode over to a pile of belongings heaped under
some plane trees. There he pulled out several sheets of paper and joined the
others, handing them each a piece of paper. “We shall have a proper race now.
Mary, show Miss Ashwood how to make a boat,” he ordered

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