Chrystal Bones (Finding Home Book 1)

Free Chrystal Bones (Finding Home Book 1) by Billie Jo Hanlin

Book: Chrystal Bones (Finding Home Book 1) by Billie Jo Hanlin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Billie Jo Hanlin
a bad thing when you say it that way. I was a really good pickpocket. I never once got caught,” Riley pouted. She held out her hands and wiggled her fingers in front of Blue’s face. “I had magic fingers. Still do for that matter.”
    “What you had was big green eyes in a cute face. No one wanted to think that someone as cute as you were was also a little thief,” Blue retorted.
    Riley's phone chose that moment to come to life. The theme song from the movie Ghost Busters rang out. She had a different ringtone for everyone on her contact list. Blue’s ring tone was the theme from Star Wars. "Hey Jake. Whats up?"
    "Nate called, he wants five million in two days."
    "I know. We heard and are even now tracing the call." She caught Blue's wince and gave her a grimace back and mouthed oops.
    "Just how did you hear a private call on a private phone? Riley Parker did you bug Janie's phone?" Jakes voice ended in a shout. Riley decided the best course of action was to take the high road. "Well, of course Jake. How else did you expect us to get the information we need to do our job. You are the one who asked us to find Scotty any way we could,” she said in as prissy a tone as she could while trying not to laugh. Giving up, she continued excitedly, "Besides Blue came up with this really neat app that lets us listen to calls. We only listen to the calls coming in from an unknown number. So you don't have to worry we won't listen to your calls. You can continue to talk sweet nothings to your girlfriend."
    "She's not my girlfriend!”
    "Boy Jake, you sound kind of stressed. Maybe you should look into taking some yoga classes."
    "Have you always been this irritating?” Jake asked her. "Never mind, so you know what is going on. Saves me from telling you. What you don't know is Janie's going to give him the money if you haven't found Scotty by the time the forty eight hours are up. I don't trust this idiot to return Scotty. Even if he does, what is to keep him from trying this shit again."
    Riley simply said, "Trust us. We will find Scotty and the LCA won't ever do this again. I can guarantee that.”
    “LCA?" Jake sounded puzzled.
    “Yes. It’s short for Lying Cheating Ass. Blue came up with it,” she told him. He gave a strangled laugh and hung up.
    She turned to Blue, "He hung up on me. That was just rude." She narrowed her eyes. "You haven't been giving him lessons have you?"
    Blue glanced at her. “I think he learned how to be rude on his own,” She paused. “You are in a mood. What is gotten into you today?"
    "I'm not sure but it has been an incredible day. I connected with A.P. I know now how you and Leo feel. He is such a beautiful horse, but so hurt and scared. I fell in love with him. Then the connection with Scotty was so strong. I was actually able to talk to him. I know we will find him. Oh, I also drank several triple shot cappuccino’s so I'm kinda wound up."
    “There is no kinda about it. You are wound up. You know you should not drink more than a couple cups of coffee a day.”
    “Hey I knew it was going to be a long day,” Riley retorted. Riley on caffeine was worse than a toddler on a sugar high.
    The rest of the drive home passed quickly. It was just after three am when Blue turned into the drive of the beach house. It was the first place she could call her own and she loved it. Every inch of the property was covered by sensors and cameras. No one could sneak up on her. She had an app on her phone to alert her if someone came by when she wasn't here. It was a large sprawling four bedroom ranch house with a three car garage.
    Blue pushed a button on her phone and the garage door opened smoothly and soundlessly. She drove in and waited until the door closed and the lights came on. She and Riley got out of the car and went to the panel on the wall. Blue pushed in a series of numbers and when she heard a click pushed in another series of numbers. A small panel slid out of the wall. She stepped forward and a

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