Cassie (Adrian's Undead Diary Book 8)

Free Cassie (Adrian's Undead Diary Book 8) by Chris Philbrook

Book: Cassie (Adrian's Undead Diary Book 8) by Chris Philbrook Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chris Philbrook
you hear the tearing noise of 500+ rounds per minute coming out of a gun that isn’t on your side of a fight. I imagine it's a lot like showing up to an afterschool fight and watching the offensive line for your high school football team show up for the other guy.
    Once the other guys were sure we were safe for the moment, we got our PJs upstairs to Mallory, and they stabilized her. I remained outside on the north corner of the tower for security. I was useless to them inside. I’m better at hurting people than fixing them, sadly. I wonder if the powers-that-be thought about that when they made their picks in the end of the world draft? Makes me wonder if I'm the good guy's or the bad guy's draft pick?
    We remained at MGR as a force for an hour while they got Mallory patched up enough to travel. It was clear after talking in depth with Ethan and the folks at MGR that the attackers had some skill. The attacked on two fronts in an L shaped action, used accurate suppressing fire to free up movement elements, and had a clear and concise plan to attack the tower to get inside. I won’t go so far as to say they were professionals, but they clearly had a very good idea of how to do what they wanted to do. Not a good sign at least. This is where I talk about regret in doing things hastily.
    We had to get Mallory back to campus pretty fast, and we also had to beef up the numbers at MGR, so Kate and Nick, our flight crew folks elected to stay there. We also left them with their M4s, as well as a SAW and a thousand rounds or so for it. If they need to suppress attackers, that gun will buy them time. We were very lucky we left yesterday with just a single wounded person. Granted, Mallory is now down her left arm forever, but I’ll chalk that up as us being a little lucky. Had that bullet hit her about eight inches to the right, it would’ve ripped her chest apart, and she’d be dead.
    She’s stable right now in the clinic. I spent some time with her, but they’ve got her sedated pretty good. I can’t imagine the pain she went through. Poor woman has already been through so much, and now she’s without an arm. No more cutting hair, unless she gets creative. Life’s a bitch right?
    Kate and Nick are still at MGR as of right now until we come up with a more stable, solid plan to staff the location. We are now working on having two people on watch 24 hours a day there. It isn’t enough to just have the cameras. Speaking of which, we saw just a little of the attackers on tape. They stayed pretty far out, and the cameras aren’t the best anyway, so we saw very little of use. In good news, I don’t think they knew the cameras were there, and we saw them exit to the north towards the area where we saw the most of the fires the other day, which may or may not mean that’s where they are. We’re also debating mounting a recon-in-force to those areas to see if there’s a hornet’s nest to kick.
    We’ll see. Security first.
    What a rush though. Felt good to be a part of the team that kicked some ass, despite not actually shooting anyone. I guess that’s the fight we want to win right? No one died, and we all walked away, as did they.
    Martin finished his plan to upgrade the doors yesterday as well, which was sheer coincidence. We’re making a plan to upgrade the doors using his plan immediately. I think we decided to do it tomorrow, but I’m not entirely positive. Kevin and Mike were working on it.
    What I can certainly say is that with the clear need to upgrade the staff levels at MGR we need another generator for there, as well as increased food on hand, and food production either on-site there, or here to be delivered there. We also need a better sewage system than just bagging it and dumping it back here. We can throw it out the windows, but that isn’t sanitary in the least…
    Of course an apartment building in a town with no electricity or running water doesn’t have a lot of options. We’ll see. I’ll leave that plan

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