Undercover MC
time, driving up and putting the car in between Jed and the majority of the shots being fired.
    As though I had brought a giant magnet with me, the maneuver had attracted the attention of seemingly every cartel member on the hill, and my car became the target of all of them. I opened my door and poured out of it while keeping as low to the ground as possible. How in the name of all that’s fucked have I not gotten shot yet?
    Luck was with me, and my body remained thankfully free of bullets. Jed was in worse shape beside me as blood poured through his fingers and soaked into his shirt. The other bikers had taken advantage of their foes’ distraction and laid down some heavy fire, which helped to shift the focus back away from Jed and me.
    “Jed, I can’t believe you let yourself get shot, you asshole.” I didn’t cope with grief well. “You better not fucking die on me!”
    He looked up at me as if only just realizing that I was there beside him. “Leslie? When did you get here? It’s not a very smart place to be, you know.”
    He is losing way too much blood. Despite my best intentions earlier, modesty took second place to trying to save Jed’s life. I ripped my shirt off and moved Jed’s hands so that I could use it to staunch his wounds. “Not a smart place at all, you dumbass. Why the hell did you come charging up here all by yourself? What did you think you were going to accomplish?”
    Jed’s eyes stopped tracking me, and his head began bobbing as though he had been too short on sleep and was sitting in the middle of a boring conference call. “I’m glad you’re here, Leslie. I like you. A lot.”
    He’s getting delirious. He doesn’t have much time.
    I pressed the shirt into the wound as hard as I dared. “Just keep that there, Jed. I’ll get you safe, don’t worry.” It may have been an empty promise. As I sat there trying to help save Jed’s life, the bikers were taking damage and the cartel members were moving in closer and closer. Come on Arnold, where the hell are you?
    I had done all I could for Jed at the moment. I picked up my gun and got ready to start assisting the bikers with the battle.
    Three shots were all I managed before the night lit up like Christmas morning. I cried out and buried my head in the crook of my arm, but rejoiced because I knew that every man there would be doing the same thing. Ladies and gentlemen, the cavalry has arrived.
    Voices blared out over megaphones, demanding that everyone drop their weapons and get down on the ground. A few of the Mexicans tried to shoot at the helicopters with their handguns, but they were swiftly mowed down with blasts from the mounted weaponry. It took only a few moments before the rest of the mobsters took the hint and dropped everything.
    Armored vehicles swarmed up the road I had come from, sirens blaring. Now I know what they feel like in the movies when the reinforcements finally come. I don’t think I’ve ever been so relieved in my life.
    Figures in DEA jackets hopped out of the closest vehicle, which I recognized as the mobile command center. Arnold walked over to me and said nothing, eyebrow raised.
    Oh, right. I had forgotten that I was down to my bra after ripping my shirt off to serve as a makeshift bandage.
    “Forgive my state of dress, sir. I’m glad you found the place ok. I need-”
    He barked a short laugh and cut me off. “Anderson! Get Miss Trammel here a jacket!” He shook his head and surveyed the work of his men rounding up the bikers and Mexicans indiscriminately. “You’ve got some balls, Leslie.”
    “Sir, can we please get a medical team over here? Jed is bleeding out...” His hands fell away from his wound as he went unconscious, and I took over pressing the bandage down since I no longer needed my hands to shoot.
    Arnold looked down, appraising the biker, skin pale from blood loss. “Not sure if he’s going to make it anyway. It’s not like it’s a huge loss.”
    I was furious, but didn’t let

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