Hustle Me

Free Hustle Me by Jennifer Foor

Book: Hustle Me by Jennifer Foor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer Foor
out his hand. "I'm Jammer."  
    "What kind of name is that?" It sounded ridiculous.  
    "It's the name you'll be calling out the next time you’re holding a shower head between your legs and wishing it was my mouth."  
    I seriously stood there flabbergasted. What kind of asshole would have the gull to speak to someone like he was talking to me? I had to keep my composure. If I let him think he was getting to me, he would keep at it. "I don't need that when I have a boyfriend that does whatever I want."  
    He finally put his hand down when I didn't shake it. "That's too bad. I could have given you the hottest fuck of your life."  
    I pushed a menu across the table. "Order something or leave. Five minutes is too long to be dealing with a loser like you."  
    He looked down at the menu. "I'll take a cheeseburger with everything on it."  
    I turned around to face the kitchen window. "Shaun, I need a cheeseburger with everything."  
    I left Jammer sitting at the bar while I started doing other things. I had to go to the grocery store to buy fresh produce for the sandwiches and I was running out of cheese slices. I started making a list of what I needed when I heard Shaun say the order was up. I grabbed the plate with the burger and chips and turned to see that Jammer was gone.  
    In the back of the tavern, I heard the sound of a rack of pool balls being broke. I grabbed a bottle of ketchup and walked it back there.  
    Jammer was bent over at a table in the back corner. He may have been a total asshole, but he was fine to look at. When he extended his arm, I could see the tattoos on his forearm and knew there were probably a lot more all over his body.  
    He was one of those sexy guys that any girl would want to get with until he opened up his mouth. I saw him catch me looking at him and walked over to sit down his burger on the table. He took one more shot and sunk the ball in the pocket. "You shoot?"  
    I wanted to ignore him and walk away, but he was spending money in my bar. "Not really."  
    "How come?" He took a bite of his burger and waited for me to reply.  
    "Seriously, are you really trying to have a normal conversation with me after you just acted like a complete ass?" I couldn't believe this guy.  
    "I was just stating the obvious. With me, what you see is what you get, sweet thing. So, how come you don't shoot? I mean, you got some badass tables back here. Most places don't take care of their tables."  
    "Well apparently my father was big into pool. Some guy randomly showed up and re-felted the tables last week. He claims that every two months they are to be re-felted. I don't see the difference. They looked fine to me."  
    He shook his head and tossed the balls around on the table. "Trust me, there is a big difference."  
    "What are you some kind of pool guru, or do you just know everything?"  
    He laughed at me and started approaching me with a cue ball in his hand. Before I could resist, he grabbed my arm and stuck the cue in my hand. "Put this ball anywhere on the table and tell me which pocket you want me to shoot that eight ball."  
    Didn't he know that I couldn't stand him? "Why would I even care if you could make the shot? This is a just a waste of my time." I started to walk away, but turned because I had the cue ball in my hand.  
    "As much as I like seeing you with one of my balls in your hand, I think I'm going to need that back."  
    I cocked my eyebrow and decided that if I didn't do it, he would continue to harass me.  
    "Shoot it from here." I hid that white cue ball behind another ball and it was blocking him from being able to see his eight ball.  
    He smiled and chalked up the tip of his stick. "So when I make this shot, what are you going to give me?"  
    I put my hands on my hips. "Nothing! It's impossible anyway."  
    He pointed to the eight ball. "It's actually pretty easy, but since you say it's impossible, I think we should make a wager."  
    I crossed my arms. "I am not

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