Sanctum (The After Light Saga)

Free Sanctum (The After Light Saga) by Cameo Renae

Book: Sanctum (The After Light Saga) by Cameo Renae Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cameo Renae
know which medicines were inside. He poured what looked like iodine over the wound to clean it, then took out a small packet and sprinkled something over it. Almost instantly, the blood stopped flowing, and he bandaged him up.
    “Thanks, doc ,” the soldier said.
    Dr. Lee nodded. He was doing extremely well for an elder ly man.
    The patient was still s creaming, threatening to push everyone over the edge. Dr. Banks was trying to calm him while Dr. Fox desperately searched for his medicine.
    This was becoming a nightmare. We were paused, out in the open, with the sun quickly setting. The patient was like a blaring alarm. If there was anything within the town, they would know we were coming.
    “You need to shut him up now, or I’ll do it,” the pilot demanded. He was quickly becoming agitated and restless.
    “We’re working on it,” Dr. Fox said. He finally had his medication, but his hands were shaking so badly, he couldn’t get the needle into the small bottle.
    Dr. Banks finally took the syringe , extracted the medicine, and quickly stuck it in the patient’s arm. He then covered his mouth with his shirt and pressed until he quieted. I was so glad he was here with us. My father would have been proud.
    “ Good job, Dr. Banks,” Finn said.
    Dr. Banks nodded, and then quickly checked the next patient. He seemed to be fine at the moment.
    “We need to get moving and find shelter before the sun sets,” the pilot urged. His eyes were wide with fear.
    “We’re ready back here,” Dr. Banks said.
    T he soldiers lifted the injured patients, and we headed into the small town.
    It was strange. So quiet and eerie. There were so signs of life, but we still had to be on guard. Most of the buildings had large windows which had been broken, making the insides unsafe and easily accessible. The streets were littered with shards of glass, and a few of the buildings were charred.
    This was proof there was life here at one point or another. Hopefully, whatever was here had moved on.
    The shade provided from the building s immediately helped, and it felt like the temperature dropped about ten degrees. Tina even let go of me, which was a good sign.
    “Thank you, Abi. No one I know would have done what you did for me. I’m glad you’re here,” she said softly.
    “Hey, that’s what friends are for, right?” I answered.
    She smiled and nodded.
    As we made our way through the town my stomach began to twist, sensing a lingering air of doom. The hair on my skin stood on end, and the air began to feel thick. My head was throbbing, first in my left eye, then it radiated everywhere between my temples. It hurt so badly I wanted to scream.
    “Abi, your nose ,” Tina said, rushing to my side.
    I touched my fingers to my nose, and when I pulled back, they were covered in blood.
    “What the ? It must be the heat. My body isn’t used to these extremes,” I said.
    “Abi, are you alright?” Dr. Banks asked.
    “Nosebleed,” I answered.
    “Put pressure on it. I’ll check it once we find a place to rest,” he said. I nodded, and pressed my nose.
    Meanwhile, I had a sinking feeling something was going to happen. I just hoped my instincts were wrong. Nevertheless, Hellfire was ready. I was wondering if I should make sure everyone was prepared for anything. I thought of my father, and knew if he were put in a position and felt threatened, he’d make sure everyone was prepared, regardless if anything happened or not.
    “ Everyone please be on guard,” I said.
    “ Why, do you see something?” the pilot asked.
    “N o, but we should be prepared for anything,” I said.
    A hot wind whipped and whistled through the dilapidated buildings, picking up dust and spinning it like a mini twister in front of us.
    One of the younger soldiers suddenly yelled, “Holy crap. Is that what I think it is?”
    He placed his end of the stretcher on the ground, and took off running towards one of the buildings off to the right side of us.
    “Get back

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