other red-blooded male. He’s not pious by any means. He’s just too damn chicken.”
    “You know it’s sweet sometimes. A man being scared to make a move because he knows what it will mean to the woman, to the relationship. Instead of going full steam ahead then figuring out how to pick up the pieces.”
    They must have been getting louder because Felix came over waving a white handkerchief he had in his pocket.
    “The handkerchief is for the bull. He’s been sweating ever since you two started chatting next to him.” Felix smiled.
    Lucy took a deep breath. “Felix, always good to see you.”
    “You too, love.” Felix kissed her on the cheek.
    “If you will excuse me, I have to find my date.” Lucy slid away and went in search of Blake.
    “You know,” Felix said quickly, “why is it when I’m around you two I always feel like I need a tall drink to cool me down?”
    “Because that woman gets me hot.” He glared at Felix.
    “You are a psychologist’s dream, Antonio.” Felix patted him on the back and walked away.

Chapter Seven
    Felix hummed along to the song on the radio as they cruised the winding road. Antonio hadn’t said a word since they’d left town in search of the culinary store that was holding a wok that Felix had ordered. He could have had it shipped, but he thought the drive would be nice and Antonio would get to take some pictures along the way. But instead of his usual shutterbug mania, Antonio was brooding like a kid who’d been punished. Antonio refused to admit his sullen mood was due to his run-in with Lucy at the gallery. It had been six weeks since his friend came for a visit; he was sure Antonio had lost track of the time. He’d never known him to stay in one place too long.
    “Any particular reason you’re not taking photos?” Felix asked casually.
    “Not in the mood today,” Antonio grumbled.
    “You not being in the mood to take a picture is right up there with you not being in the mood and dropping Monica off at a respectable time.”
    “Am I really that transparent? Everyone seems to think I have two speeds.”
    “No. I would not presume to call you shallow, my friend. You are the kind of man who lives in the moment and enjoys it. Always kind of happy-go-lucky. I am not used to seeing you brooding and confused. I know you have emotions. I’ve never seen you display any before.”
    “I am not immune to having or displaying feelings. I just think they are a colossal waste of time.”
    “Lucy doesn’t. She feels everything from the depths of her soul.”
    “I saw her walking down the main street the other day. I called out and waved to her. I think she stuck her middle finger up at me.” Antonio couldn’t help but chuckle.
    “Hey, that’s something,” Felix replied. “Do you and that woman live to drive each other crazy?”
    “Maybe we do.” He sighed.
    “Well, what are you going to do about it?”
    “Punch Blake out and make him go away.” Antonio smiled.
    “So you want her to stop seeing him?”
    “Would you be willing to stop seeing Monica?”
    He thought about it for a moment. “Yes.”
    “Then why are you being a jackass and not putting this all into motion?”
    “Well.” He let out a big sigh. “I don’t know what it means if I put all of this into motion, and she did give me the finger the other day.”
    “We’re going to pick up my wok, then we’re going to head back and make you an honest man.”
    “Felix, it’s not that I don’t appreciate it, but why are you helping me? I know Lucy is your friend.”
    “Because two stubborn people that I love can’t see they were made for each other.”
    * * *
    The news of the mirrors was getting around so quickly, Lucy had to take stock of her one-woman band. People were calling and coming into the store inquiring about when she could design something special for them. As Felix had suggested jokingly one night at the theater, she would have to

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