Double Exposure

Free Double Exposure by Franklin W. Dixon

Book: Double Exposure by Franklin W. Dixon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Franklin W. Dixon
hand. "I said before I didn't like using this as a weapon." He smiled and cocked the trigger. "Perhaps in your case I will make an exception. ..."
    Joe shut his eyes.
    "No, I forbid it!"
    Joe cracked an eye open. Liehm had entered the room and stood beside Gregor, one hand on his arm.
    "We cannot keep committing murders, Gregor — not in this country."
    The taller man removed his finger from the trigger and pressed his lips tightly together, trying to control himself. "Yes, Doctor," he said, lowering the gun slightly. "What would you have me do?"
    Liehm smiled. "Be patient, my friend. All our plans will triumph, very soon." He reached for the gun in Gregor's hand.
    Gregor swung his arm around viciously, catching Liehm full in the face with the butt of his gun. The doctor fell to the ground as if he'd been struck by lightning.
    "Patience?" Gregor roared. "Patience is for weaklings, Doctor."
    Liehm stirred slightly. Gregor reached down and hauled him to his feet. "I will let you continue with your ridiculous, expensive scheme because Prague has ordered me to. But it is I who am in control here, I who will deal with this intruder. Is that clear?"
    Liehm nodded feebly.
    "Now do what ever you need to do!" He shoved Liehm, and the doctor stumbled out the door.
    Gregor turned his attention back to Joe.
    "Wait a minute, I thought you were on the same side."
    "We are," Gregor said. "But I disagree with the doctor's methods. He will be satisfied to ruin Janosik's name—as if that would silence the traitor forever. But there is only one way to make sure one's enemies are truly silenced." He smiled at Joe and raised the gun, pressing it to Joe's head.
    "This way."

Chapter 11
    He heard a loud, almost deafening noise.
    Then another. And another.
    He opened his eyes.
    The security center was in a state of frenzied activity. Alarms were going off every where.
    "What — ?" Gregor said, turning away from Joe. "What is happening?"
    "A breakin, sir — downstairs!" One of the men who had been guarding Joe was now hunched over a security monitor. "Unable to isolate the location!"
    "Doctor!" Gregor yelled, striding out of the room. He turned back and pointed at Joe. "Keep an eye on him!"
    The guard not watching the monitor leveled his gun at Joe. Gregor returned with Liehm. The whole right side of the doctor's face was swollen.
    Gregor motioned him over to the security monitor. "What is this taking place? Why don't we see anything on the cameras?" he asked.
    Liehm's fingers ranged over the controls expertly, and the cameras began moving, their view changing on all the screens.
    "There!" Gregor pointed. "Downstairs, at the service entrance." He turned to Joe and smiled. "It looks as if your brother has decided to join us."
    Joe sat up. Sure enough, there was Frank, apparently trying to force a door downstairs. Liehm shut off the alarms, but continued to work the console. "This is strange," he said. "I can't get the cameras to move any farther."
    "What is the matter?" Gregor asked. He pointed to the two guards. "You! And you! Go downstairs, escort our friend back here. He'll want to see his brother."
    The two guards left, and the man Joe had met earlier, who had been posing as the elevator operator, walked in.
    "What is it, Ludvik?" Gregor asked.
    "The tapes — should I send them now, Doctor?" Ludvik asked Liehm. "Or do we wait till morning?"
    Liehm shrugged and said nothing.
    "Doctor?" Ludvik pressed.
    "Send them now—it doesn't matter," Gregor said, smiling. "One newspaper and two television stations—and they all think they have an 'exclusive.' Yes — send it."
    Ludvik nodded and left.
    "Something is wrong with this monitor, Krc!" Liehm insisted. "Someone has tampered with it!"
    "Nonsense, Doctor." Gregor came and stood by his side. "I have been here the whole time."
    While they were talking, Joe made a move as if to stand up—and Gregor, still talking to Liehm, shook his head.
    "I wouldn't do that, Mr. Hardy," he

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