The Boss's Demands

Free The Boss's Demands by Alyssa Fox

Book: The Boss's Demands by Alyssa Fox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alyssa Fox
    The Boss’s Demands
    By: Alyssa Fox

    Chapter One

    "Lisa, I need to see you in my office now."
    Lisa Shawl jumped at her boss's voice, but recovered quickly
as she pressed the button on the intercom. "Yes, sir."
    She stood, smoothed a hand down her gray pencil shirt, and
took a breath in, before she gathered the note pad and pencil from her desk. What
did he want so late in afternoon? He usually only asked her to come into his
office in the mornings to go over his schedule for the day. Most of the time he
worked outside the office anyway. There wasn't much need to be there, with this
being a security firm. That's one reason she liked the job. No one around to
have to make small talk with.
    Her job in itself was a lonesome one. Most days she didn't
see anyone in person, except on the rare occasion when he met with a client
there. Lisa enjoyed the quietness of the work she did. The other employees came
in from time to time to get work tags for the jobs, but most of the time she
texted them all they needed to know. Except she didn't mind when Roland Valdez came
into the office. Yeah, like he'd look at her as anything else but his secretary.
    She turned and walked to her boss’s door and knocked. Three
weeks into her new job and she still had trouble with focus when he came into
the office. The confident way he carried himself and how he held her attention
when they spoke, made her heart race. Lisa shook her head. She had to stop
thinking of him in a sexual way. It would serve her of no good to keep thinking
of ways she’d like him to fuck her.
    “Come in.” His deep voice boomed from behind the door. She
wondered if his voice would sound that way in the bedroom as he fucked her.
    She slipped in, shut the door, and made her way over to his
desk. “You needed to see me, sir?”
    “Yes.” Roland pointed to the chair across
from him. “Sit down, please.” The white dress shirt clung to his chest, paired
with the red tie contrasted with his dark skin. His grey suit jacket hung on
the back of his chair. Yum! She wondered if had a bare chest or full of dark
hair. The thought had her burning to run her hands through his dark brown hair.
To be seated in his lap and under his touch. He’d be the dominant type. That
much she knew from the erotic books she had read.
    Those long dark fingers made her mouth
water. She bet he'd used them to bring a lot of women pleasure. Deep down she
wanted to be one of those women. A shiver raced down her body at the thought.
Lisa crossed her ankles and waited for him. Who was she kidding? Of course he
had. He went through woman like people went through clothes.
    Most nights he had a date with a
different woman. He always had her set up the dates and then at least twice
she'd been the person to deal with the women afterwards. The constant phone
calls of women who wanted to talk to him, and she'd have to come up with some
sort of excuse. Roland was the kind of man parents warned their daughters not
to date. Not that she listened anyway. Lisa pulled her thoughts back to the
    "How are the plans for my sister's
wedding coming along?"
    She mentally went over the checklist in
her head before she responded, "Everything is going like it should. The
cake will be delivered Saturday morning, along with the flowers, food, and a
few other things." His dark-as-fudge eyes studied her. Her panties became
wet under his attention. Damn him and the way he made whoever he spoke to feel
like they were the only person in the room. This time she was the only person
in the room. She tried hard to concentrate on the business at hand and not the
erotic thoughts that floated around in her mind.
    "Good. I really appreciate you doing
this for me." He leaned back in his chair before he went on. "You
have an eye for detail and I knew you were the best person for the job, even
though it’s more work for you in the long run." He smiled at her and it
made his eyes sparkle.
    "Thank you, sir. I enjoyed

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