
Free Uncovered by Amy Silva

Book: Uncovered by Amy Silva Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Silva
would be a good day for it.” Jace said.

    “Oh really?” Rich became even more excited. “Well Kate you are in for a treat, it is perfect out there, and everything is ready. If you would please follow me.”

    Rich turned around and headed to the opposite side of the lobby from where the crowd was headed.

    “What’s ready?” I tugged on Jace’s elbow but he just smiled at me and motioned ahead. “You’ll see.”

    We walked though a long hall, after a couple of turns Rich unlocked a big wooden door and showed us inside.

    “The private elevators, old money style.” Rich motioned to the golden brass artwork on the pair of elevators in front of us. The gold was accentuated by green stone that I’ve seen before, but couldn’t put my finger on. It looked like something from a museum.

    “Impressive.” Said Jace.

    “Yep, not many people know there are actually two observation decks up top.” Rich stated. “The touristy one, and we have another that’s higher up. Used quite a bit for business and Chicago’s finest parties for the last 30 years. These elevators are exclusive to that floor. And before you ask, no, we do not require oxygen masks.” He laughed as if he just told us a great joke.

    We entered the exquisitely decorated elevator. A posh mix of gold trim and red satin made up the interior. Rich proceeded to hit the only button available. My heart dropped to my stomach as the elevator accelerated through the air rushing into the sky.

    After a full minute, it stopped. Jace and I made our way out into the hallway that seemed to open up to the left.

    Rich’s voice came from behind us.

    “Guys, I have to go help downstairs, please enjoy yourselves, the floor is entirely yours. When you are ready just buzz the elevator back up.

    “Thank you for everything, Rich.” Jace replied.

    “You’re entirely welcome my friend.” We heard his voice dim as the elevator doors closed.

    “Where is everyone? Did he just leave us here by ourselves?” I turned to Jace with my eyes wide.

    “Guess so…” He said. “Now that I think about it. Oh yes.” He looked at me with a grin.

    “What, whats up?” I asked as I hit his arm.

    “I have a surprise, close your eyes.” He walked up behind me.

    “Here, right now?”


    “Well I hope the surprise is not a walking plank.” I chuckled.

    “Just trust me, come here.” Jace covered my eyes with his big warm hands.

    “Ok, forward, left, forward. A little more” His confident voice resonated through the air as he guided me. I felt excited as I wondered what he had prepared for me. “Good, okay, here we are.”

    He removed his hands. I opened my eyes and gasped - in front of me was a huge observational deck of the Sears tower, with full size windows on all sides. Blue sky surrounded us completely from everywhere, I felt like we were on a see through plane. Somewhere up ahead the brown bits of the city appeared far below. Even the biggest buildings in the city looked small, the people indistinguishable. It took me a second to focus and catch my rushing breath and to register the rose petal trail on floor in front of me. My eyes followed it to a white cloth table in the corner of the room, covered with more pink petals. A bottle of champaign was chilling on the ice surrounded by a plate of chocolate covered strawberries.

    I spun around and squeezed him into an excited hug. “Jace, this is so romantic!”

    “Our own little siesta.” he smiled. He took my hand and led me to the table. After he pulled my chair and we sat down, he opened the champaign with a slight bang and filled our flutes.

    “To new experiences.” he toasted my glass.

    We sipped champaign and enjoyed the view. It was certainly impressive to see so much of the city at once. The feeling of being able to see above everything is something that I really liked deep inside. Jace pointed out different landmarks around us as I studied the beautiful man in front of

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