XXX Underground Playgrounds: La La's Story

Free XXX Underground Playgrounds: La La's Story by Ms. Pantha Jones

Book: XXX Underground Playgrounds: La La's Story by Ms. Pantha Jones Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ms. Pantha Jones
now she knew that motherfucker in the Underground was that nigga. La La went through all his accounts; he had been lying to females talking about how he had a concert in their hometown coming up soon.  And what was more horrific is that some of those females had dicks and that fuck boy knew they had dicks. The things she had read about him and Naomi, their relationship was deeper than rest. That shit also made her feel some level of disgust. This nigga was running the same shit to me as he was doing to He/She. She also found out he lied and said that La La and their son had died in a house fire recently.
    There was even a messages on FB between him and her and a lot of other females. He even joined unique sex groups for men who like trannies. She made her a fake Facebook page, and screen shot all of Que’s dirt that was during their relationship and sent it to her. Some of it were as recent as this morning.  Now, all she needed to do was wait to see what Naomi would do. 
    Jah & La
    What the hell is going on in this fucking world, Jah thought as he read all the information La sent him through email. What kind of men was the devil sending to destroy his world? He knew it; he knew it, he fucking knew that nigga Que was a bitch. This coincides with Gabe’s footage of the dread head dude. La and Jah sat in his office going through all of Que’s emails, profiles to social and dating websites.
    Going through his pictures she came upon his pictures and looked as far back as two years, and there it was, she clutched her hands together. An image of Que in a mask with his dreads hanging out, that was the nigga who had a part in robbing her. Her eyes had tears, tears of anger not so much towards Que but at herself.
    Jah saw the angry tears, “La, I know you are not crying over this bitch ass nigga’s shenanigans?”
    La looked at him through slits, “No, nigga, she said and just pointed to the screen. Before he could get over there, La pushed her chair back and walked to the bar. “Dread Head is about to be no more,” She said as she poured herself and Jah a glass of spirits. He looked at the picture confused but took the glass from her and took a sip of the brown liquor.
    “That’s the motherfucker who robbed me!” La pointed to the picture of Que.
    Jah started shaking his head and downed his drink. “Yeah! Yeah! That nigga has to die.” He said as he walked over to his desk to his cell phone. La got a notification that she had an email from her fake account. 
    “No. Let me handle it and let me handle it my way. Book me a flight to Detroit, now.” La said smiling as she read her Facebook inbox, she grabbed her keys and left.
    La and Naomi
    La met Naomi at the Jazz Café in Detroit, Michigan. Naomi was taller than La and slimmer; you could not tell she was a man. The scarf around her neck made sure of that. La walked in with a curvaceous sway, dominating the attention of everyone including her potential enemy depending on how this meeting went.
    Naomi stood up unconsciously, shook La’s hand and sat after she sat. Well, damn even the confused recognize I’m a fucking lady. Naomi did not have anything against transgender per say, just this one. Not because she had her faggot ass husband, it was because this bitch probably was wearing her son’s money.
    Pulling off her sunglasses La smiled, “Let’s get down to the point. I don’t give a fuck about that nigga. I climbed in bed with a nigga I shouldn’t have, end of fucking story. But, what I do give a fuck about, what I would kill a nigga for is this little boy right here, she showed Naomi her screen saver of her son on her phone, she continued, “And anything and everything that belongs to him is included. Which leads me to why I contacted you, your boyfriend Que stole money from my son, and I want you to get it back for me.” La told her as she summoned for the waiter.
    Naomi thought in her head;

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